ID=$(shell cat ./identikey) default: @echo "If you do not already have a bomb, run 'make bomb.tar' to retrieve one'" @echo "The automated testing wll use the following make rules" @echo " Grade first 3 phases --- make grade-first" @echo " Grade remaining phases --- make grade-rest" @echo " Grade extra credit phase --- make grade-extra" @echo "For most of your work, you'll use GDB within the bomb directory" bomb.tar: @echo "Retrieving bomb...If this fails, visit http://${HOST} and download manually" @echo "---" curl "http://${HOST}/?username=${ID}&usermail=${ID}" > bomb.tar tar xvf ./bomb.tar git add "`ls -td bomb[0-9]* | head -1`" # # Determine most recently modified bomb folder. This is what will be auto-graded by default. # BOMB = $(shell ls -td bomb[0-9]* | head -1) check-for-solution.txt: @echo We will use the solution.txt file at ${BOMB}/solution.txt test -f ${BOMB}/solution.txt grade-first: ${BOMB}/solution.txt @echo Grading first part of ${BOMB} using ${BOMB}/solution.txt awk NF < ${BOMB}/solution.txt | head -3 | GRADE_BOMB=1 ${BOMB}/bomb /dev/stdin | tee /dev/stderr | grep 'Halfway there!' grade-rest: ${BOMB}/solution.txt @echo Grading rest of ${BOMB} using ${BOMB}/solution.txt cat ${BOMB}/solution.txt | GRADE_BOMB=1 ${BOMB}/bomb /dev/stdin | tee /dev/stderr | grep "Congratulations! You've defused the bomb!" grade-extra: ${BOMB}/solution.txt @echo Grading extra credit of ${BOMB} using ${BOMB}/solution.txt cat ${BOMB}/solution.txt | GRADE_BOMB=1 ${BOMB}/bomb /dev/stdin | tee /dev/stderr | grep "Wow! You've defused the secret stage!"