path: root/lab4/src/test/scala
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Diffstat (limited to 'lab4/src/test/scala')
2 files changed, 240 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lab4/src/test/scala/jsy/lab4/Lab4Spec.scala b/lab4/src/test/scala/jsy/lab4/Lab4Spec.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0c05aab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lab4/src/test/scala/jsy/lab4/Lab4Spec.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,217 @@
+package jsy.lab4
+import org.scalatest.flatspec.AnyFlatSpec
+import Parser.parse
+import ast._
+import Lab4._
+class Lab4StudentSpec extends AnyFlatSpec {
+class Lab4Spec extends AnyFlatSpec {
+ /***** hastype Tests *****/
+ {
+ val xtype = TNumber
+ val tenvx = extend(Map.empty, "x", xtype)
+ "TypeVar" should "perform TypeVar" in {
+ assertResult(xtype) {
+ hastype(tenvx, Var("x"))
+ }
+ }
+ "hastype/call-non-fun" should "yield a static type error" in {
+ for (e <- List(
+ ("3(4)"),
+ ("3(true)"),
+ ("(10 + 4 + 7 - true * 3)(true)"),
+ ("((function (x: number) { return 0 })(10))(true)")
+ )) {
+ intercept[StaticTypeError] {
+ inferType(e)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ "hastype/arithmetic" should "type check JavaScripty arithmetic expressions according to the lab spec" in {
+ for ((e,t) <- List(
+ ("3 <= 4", TBool),
+ ("'3' < '4'", TBool),
+ ("3 + 4", TNumber),
+ ("'3' + '4'", TString),
+ ("3 - 4", TNumber),
+ ("3 * 4 + 1 - 4 / 12", TNumber),
+ ("undefined", TUndefined)
+ )) {
+ assertResult(t){ inferType(e) }
+ }
+ }
+ "hastype/functions-objects" should "type check JavaScripty function-object expressions according to the lab spec" in {
+ val f1 = parse("function (x: number) { return x }")
+ val o1 = parse("{f: 3, g: true, h: undefined}")
+ for ((e,t) <- List(
+ (f1, TFun(List(("x", TNumber)), TNumber)),
+ (o1, TObj(Map("f" -> TNumber, "g" -> TBool, "h" -> TUndefined))),
+ (Call(f1, List(N(3))), TNumber),
+ (GetField(o1, "g"), TBool)
+ )) {
+ assertResult(t){ inferType(e) }
+ }
+ }
+ "hastype/simple-programs" should "type check JavaScripty programs according to the lab spec" in {
+ assertResult(TNumber) { inferType(
+ """
+ const w = function w(y: number): number { return y === 0 ? 0.1 : y + w(y - 1) };
+ w(3)
+ """
+ )}
+ assertResult(TNumber) { inferType(
+ """
+ const x = 1;
+ const g = function(y: number) { return x; };
+ const h = function(x: number) { return g(2); };
+ h(3)
+ """
+ )}
+ }
+ "hastype/recursive-programs" should "type check recursive JavaScripty programs according to the lab spec" in {
+ assertResult(TNumber) { inferType(
+ """
+ const factorial = function f(n: number): number {
+ return n === 0 ? 1 : n * f(n - 1)
+ }
+ factorial(4)
+ """
+ )}
+ }
+ }
+ /***** substitute Tests *****/
+ {
+ "substitute" should "substitute a value for uses of a variable" in {
+ for ((r,e,v,x) <- List(
+ ("const x = 3; x", "const x = x; x", "3", "x"),
+ ("function (x: number) { return x + y }", "function (x: number) { return x + y }", "3", "x"),
+ ("function x(y: number) { return x + y }", "function x(y: number) { return x + y }", "3", "x")
+ )) {
+ assertResult(parse(r)){ substitute(parse(v), x, parse(e)) }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /***** step Tests *****/
+ {
+ "step" should "perform one step of evaluation according to the lab spec" in {
+ for ((r, s) <- List (
+ ("1", "4 - 3"),
+ ("3 + 4", "1, 3 + 4"),
+ ("(3) + 3", "(1 + 2) + 3"),
+ ("(2) + (3 / 4)", "(1 * 2) + (3 / 4)"),
+ ("(2 + 4)", "true ? (2 + 4) : (1 + 1)"),
+ ("const x = 2; x", "const x = 1 + 1; x"),
+ ("2", "const x = 2; x"),
+ ("3 + 3 + 4 + 5", "1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5"),
+ ("3", "(function (x: number) { return x })(3)"),
+// ("3 + 1", "(function (x: number) { return x })(3 + 1)")
+ )) {
+ assertResult(parse(r)){oneStep(s)}
+ }
+ }
+ "step/call-non-fun" should "yield a stuck error" in {
+ for (e <- List(
+ ("3(4)"),
+ ("3(true)"),
+ ("((function (x: number) { return 0 })(10))(true)")
+ )) {
+ intercept[StuckError] { iterateStep(e) }
+ }
+ }
+ "step/simple-programs" should "evaluate JavaScripty programs according to the lab spec" in {
+ assertResult(N(6.1)) { iterateStep(
+ """
+ const w = function w(y: number) { return y === 0 ? 0.1 : y + w(y - 1) }
+ w(3)
+ """
+ )}
+ assertResult(N(1)) { iterateStep(
+ """
+ const x = 1;
+ const g = function(y: number) { return x; };
+ const h = function(x: number) { return g(2); };
+ h(3)
+ """
+ )}
+ assertResult(N(1.1)) { iterateStep(
+ """
+ const g = function(x: number) { return function(y: number) { return x - y } };
+ g(1)(0) + 0.1
+ """
+ )}
+ assertResult(N(6)) { iterateStep(
+ """
+ const plus = function(x: number, y: number) { return x + y };
+ plus(1 + 2, 3)
+ """
+ )}
+ assertResult(N(6)) { iterateStep(
+ """
+ const plus = function(x: number) { return function(y: number) { return x + y } };
+ plus(1 + 2)(3)
+ """
+ )}
+ }
+ "step/recursive-programs" should "evaluate recursive JavaScripty programs according to the lab spec" in {
+ assertResult(N(6)) { iterateStep(
+ """
+ const factorial = function f(n: number) {
+ return n === 0 ? 1 : n * f(n - 1)
+ }
+ factorial(3)
+ """
+ )}
+ assertResult(S("aaa")) { iterateStep(
+ """
+ const repeat = function(s: string) {
+ return function loop(n: number) {
+ return n === 0 ? "" : s + loop(n - 1)
+ }
+ }
+ repeat("a")(3)
+ """
+ )}
+ }
+ "step/objects" should "evaluate JavaScripty objects according to the lab spec" in {
+ assertResult(N(7.0)) { iterateStep(
+ """
+ const pair = function(x: number, y: number) {
+ return {x: x, y: y}
+ };
+ const p = pair(3, 4);
+ p.x + p.y
+ """
+ )}
+ assertResult(N(5.0)) { iterateStep(
+ """
+ const suspension = function(f: (a: number) => number, n: number) {
+ return {f: f, n: n}
+ };
+ const s = suspension((a: number) => a + 1, 4);
+ s.f(s.n)
+ """
+ )}
+ }
+ }
+class Lab4JsyTests extends jsy.tester.JavascriptyTester(None, "lab4", Lab4)
diff --git a/lab4/src/test/scala/jsy/tester/JavascriptyTester.scala b/lab4/src/test/scala/jsy/tester/JavascriptyTester.scala
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..48e789c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lab4/src/test/scala/jsy/tester/JavascriptyTester.scala
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+package jsy.tester
+import java.io.File
+import jsy.util.JsyApplication
+import org.scalatest._
+import flatspec._
+ * A ScalaTest interface for running system tests.
+ */
+class JavascriptyTester(rootPrefix: Option[String], testDirectory: String, jsy: JsyApplication) extends AnyFlatSpec {
+ val testResources = s"src${File.separator}test${File.separator}resources"
+ val testPrefix = rootPrefix match {
+ case None => testResources
+ case Some(p) => s"${p}${File.separator}${testResources}"
+ }
+ val testPath = s"${testPrefix}${File.separator}${testDirectory}"
+ jsy.test(new File(testPath)) { case (in,ans,assertion) =>
+ s"eval on ${in}" should s"match ${ans}" in {
+ val (b: Boolean, msg: String) = assertion
+ assert(b, msg)
+ }
+ }