// 2109. Adding Spaces to a String #include "leetcode.h" /* * given a 0-indexed string 's' and a 0-indexed integer array 'spaces' that * describes the indices in the original string where spaces will be added. each * space should be inserted before the character at the given index. return the * modified string after the spaces have been added */ class Solution { public: string addSpaces(string s, vector<int> &spaces) { int n = spaces.size(), m = s.size(), i = 0, j = 0; string ans = ""; while (i < m) { if (j < n && i == spaces[j]) { ans += ' '; j++; } ans += s[i]; i++; } return ans; } }; int main() { Solution obj; vector<int> s1 = {8, 13, 15}, s2 = {1, 5, 7, 9}; cout << obj.addSpaces("LeetcodeHelpsMeLearn", s1) << endl; // expect: Leetcode Helps Me Learn cout << obj.addSpaces("icodeinpython", s2) << endl; // expect: i code in py thon }