// 445. Add Two Numbers II #include <math.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> /* * given two non-empty linked lists representing two non-negative integers. the * most significant digit comes first and each of their nodes contains a single * digit. add the two numbers and return the same as a linked list. you may * assume the two numbers do not contain any leading zero, except the number 0 * itself. */ struct ListNode { int val; struct ListNode *next; }; static int append(struct ListNode *l1, struct ListNode *l2, int missing) { int carry, val; if (!l1) return 0; if (!missing) { carry = append(l1->next, l2->next, 0); val = l1->val + l2->val + carry; } else { carry = append(l1->next, l2->next, -1); val = l1->val + carry; } l1->val = val % 10; return val / 10; } static int length(struct ListNode *n) { int len; for (len = 0; n; n = n->next) len++; return len; } static void swap(struct ListNode **p1, struct ListNode **p2) { struct ListNode *tmp; tmp = *p1; *p1 = *p2; *p2 = tmp; } struct ListNode *addTwoNumbers(struct ListNode *l1, struct ListNode *l2) { int len1, len2, carry; struct ListNode *head; len1 = length(l1); len2 = length(l2); if (len1 < len2) swap(&l1, &l2); carry = append(l1, l2, abs(len1 - len2)); if (carry) { if (!(head = malloc(sizeof(struct ListNode)))) return head; head->val = 1; head->next = l1; } return l1; }