// 706. Design HashMap #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> /* * design a hashmap without usin any built-in hash table libraries. implement * the 'MyHashMap' class: * - myHashMapCreate() initialises the object with an empty map * - put() inserts a key, value pair into the hashmap. if the key already exists * in the map, update the corresponding value * - get() returns the value to which the specified key is mapped, or -1 if this * map contains no mapping for the key * - remove() removes the key and its corresponding value if the map contains * the mapping for the key */ typedef struct { int **map; int size; } MyHashMap; MyHashMap *myHashMapCreate() { MyHashMap *res = malloc(sizeof(MyHashMap)); res->size = 10000; res->map = calloc((res->size), sizeof(int *)); return res; } void myHashMapPut(MyHashMap *obj, int key, int val) { int d = key, n = obj->size; while (1) { if (!obj->map[d % n]) { obj->map[d % n] = malloc(2 * sizeof(int)); obj->map[d % n][0] = key; obj->map[d % n][1] = val; break; } else if (obj->map[d % n][0] == key) { obj->map[d % n][1] = val; break; } else { d++; } } } int myHashMapGet(MyHashMap *obj, int key) { int d = key, n = obj->size; while (1) { if (!obj->map[d % n]) return -1; else if (obj->map[d % n][0] == key) return obj->map[d % n][1]; else d++; } return -1; } void myHashMapRemove(MyHashMap *obj, int key) { int d = key, n = obj->size; while (1) { if (!obj->map[d % n]) break; else if (obj->map[d % n][0] == key) { obj->map[d % n][0] = -1; break; } else { d++; } } } void myHashMapFree(MyHashMap *obj) { int n = obj->size; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) if (obj->map[i]) free(obj->map[i]); free(obj->map); free(obj); } int main() { MyHashMap *obj = myHashMapCreate(); myHashMapPut(obj, 1, 1); myHashMapPut(obj, 2, 2); printf("%d\n", myHashMapGet(obj, 1)); // expect: 1 printf("%d\n", myHashMapGet(obj, 3)); // expect: -1 myHashMapPut(obj, 2, 1); printf("%d\n", myHashMapGet(obj, 2)); // expect: 1 myHashMapRemove(obj, 2); printf("%d\n", myHashMapGet(obj, 2)); // expect: -1 }