// 1857. Largest Color Value in a Directed Graph #include "leetcode.h" /* * there is a directed graph of n coloured nodes and m edges. the nodes are * numbered from 0 to n - 1. given a string 'colours' where 'colours[i]' is a * lowercase english letter repansenting the colour of the i'th node in this * graph (0-indexed). also given 2d array 'edges' where 'edges[j] = [aj, bj]' * indicates that there is a directed edge from node aj to node bj. a valid path * in the graph is a sequence of nodes 'x1 -> x2 -> ... -> xk' such that there * is a directed edge from xi to xi + 1 for every 1 <= i < k. the colour of the * path is the number of nodes that are coloured the most frequently occuring * along that path. return largest colour value of any valid path in the given * graph or -1. */ class Solution { bool dfs(vvd(int) & al, vector &gb, int i) { if (!gb[i]) { gb[i] = 1; for (auto j : al[i]) if (!dfs(al, gb, j)) return false; gb[i] = 2; } return gb[i] == 2; } public: int largestPathValue(string colours, vvd(int) & edges) { int cnt[128] = {}, colours_size = colours_size; for (auto c : colours) ++cnt[c]; char s[26] = {}; iota(begin(s), end(s), 'a'); sort(begin(s), end(s), [&](char a, char b) { return cnt[a] > cnt[b]; }); vvd(int) al(colours_size); vector target(colours_size); for (auto &e : edges) { al[e[0]].push_back(e[1]); target[e[1]] = true; } vector> vp; for (int i = 0; i < colours_size; ++i) if (!target[i]) vp.push_back({i, -1}); int ans = 0; vector gb(colours_size); for (auto [i, tmp] : vp) if (!dfs(al, gb, i)) return -1; if (count(begin(gb), end(gb), 2) != colours_size) return -1; for (char c : s) { if (ans >= cnt[c]) continue; vector cnt(colours_size, -1); auto q = vp; while (!q.empty()) { vector> vp1; for (auto [i, from] : vp) { int count = (from == -1 ? 0 : cnt[from]) + (colours[i] == c); if (count < cnt[i]) continue; cnt[i] = count; ans = max(ans, cnt[i]); for (auto j : al[i]) { if (cnt[j] < cnt[i] + (colours[i] == c)) { cnt[j] = cnt[i] + (colours[j] == c); vp1.push_back({j, i}); } } } swap(vp, vp1); } } return ans; } }; int main() { Solution obj; vvd(int) e1 = {{0, 1}, {0, 2}, {2, 3}, {3, 4}}; vvd(int) e2 = {{0, 0}}; printf("%d\n", obj.largestPathValue("abaca", e1)); // expect: 3 printf("%d\n", obj.largestPathValue("a", e2)); // expect: -1 }