// 146. LRU Cache #include <stddef.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #define DEBUG_MODE 0 #define REALLY_DEBUG 0 /* * design a data structure that follows the constraints of a least recently used * cache (LRU). implete the 'LRUCache' class. the functions 'get' and 'put' must * each run in O(1) average time complexity */ typedef struct QNode { struct QNode *prev, *next; unsigned bucket; int key; int data; } QNode; typedef struct Queue { unsigned count; unsigned capacity; QNode *front, *rear; } Queue; typedef struct Hash { int capacity; QNode **array; // array of pointers, or pointer to a range of pointers. } Hash; typedef struct LRUCache { unsigned int capacity; Queue *queue; Hash *hash; } LRUCache; struct QNode *newQNode(unsigned bucket) { struct QNode *temp = malloc(sizeof(struct QNode)); temp->bucket = bucket; temp->prev = temp->next = NULL; return temp; } struct Queue *createQueue(int capacity) { struct Queue *queue = malloc(sizeof(struct Queue)); queue->count = 0; queue->capacity = capacity; queue->front = queue->rear = NULL; return queue; } struct Hash *createHash(int capacity) { struct Hash *hash = malloc(sizeof(struct Hash)); hash->capacity = capacity; hash->array = malloc(sizeof(struct QNode) * hash->capacity); for (int i = 0; i < hash->capacity; i++) { hash->array[i] = NULL; } return hash; } unsigned int hashfunc(unsigned capacity, int key); void Enqueue(struct LRUCache *cache, struct Queue *queue, struct Hash *hash, int value, int key); int searchCache(struct LRUCache *cache, int key); void deQueue(Queue *queue) { // we could have return QNode but how would affect // memory mgmt? if (DEBUG_MODE) { QNode *n = queue->front; int c = 0; QNode *p = n->prev; while (n != NULL) { if (REALLY_DEBUG) printf("QueueNode %d data = %d n->prev:%d, n->next:%d\n", c, n->data, n->prev != NULL, n->next != NULL); c++; n = n->next; } if (REALLY_DEBUG) printf("next queue node is NULL\n"); if (p == NULL) if (REALLY_DEBUG) printf("Front's prev points to null\n"); } if (queue->rear == NULL) return; if (queue->front == queue->rear) { queue->front = NULL; queue->rear = NULL; queue->count--; return; } // QNode* temp = queue->rear; // LL two or more queue->rear = queue->rear->prev; // could be front if size = 2. That's fine if (queue->rear) queue->rear->next = NULL; // orphan the remaining, no need for memory freeing until it runs queue->count--; return; // free(temp); // This creates an AddressSanitizer error heap-use-after-free. } void dehash(Queue *queue, Hash *hash, unsigned bucket, int key) { // sets hash to null. Doesn't free unsigned test_bucket = hashfunc( hash->capacity, key); // should be same as passed in. for checking if (test_bucket != bucket) { if (REALLY_DEBUG) printf( "Warning, hash values coming out differently in dehash function\n"); } if (hash->array[bucket]) { // we have to be certain this is right bucket // adjusted for collision if (hash->array[bucket]->key == key) { // double check for debug // QNode* tmp = hash->array[bucket]; if (REALLY_DEBUG) printf("Goodbye to hash[%d] with data %d\n", bucket, hash->array[bucket]->data); hash->array[bucket] = NULL; // free(tmp); } else if (REALLY_DEBUG) printf("entry found in hash but keys don't match. No action taken.\n"); return; } } unsigned getGoodBucket(Hash *hash, int key) { unsigned try_bucket = hashfunc(hash->capacity, key); int hc = hash->capacity; if (REALLY_DEBUG) printf("try bucket and key %d , %d\n", try_bucket, key); if (hash->array[try_bucket] == NULL) return try_bucket; unsigned original_try = try_bucket; int c = 0; while (hash->array[try_bucket] != NULL) { // spot is taken // try_bucket = ((try_bucket + 1)) % hash->capacity; //THIS IS NOT WORKING // FOR SOME REASON, STAYING AT 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 if (try_bucket == // original_try) if (REALLY_DEBUG) printf("Try bucket %d and original try %d\n", try_bucket, original_try); try_bucket++; if (try_bucket == hc) try_bucket = 0; if (c == hc) { // no space found (erroneously I think) if (REALLY_DEBUG) printf("Sorry no space found in hash for new node, looped through " "everything (but should be found as hash entry should have been " "dequeued\n"); return -1; } c++; } return try_bucket; // hope this works no collisions. } void EnqueueNewNode(struct LRUCache *cache, struct Queue *queue, struct Hash *hash, int value, int key) { // remember queue was just dequeueed QNode *temp = newQNode(0); temp->data = value; // obviously have to put the value in there temp->key = key; // needed for handling hash collisions int goodBucket = getGoodBucket(hash, key); if (REALLY_DEBUG) printf("GoodBucket to hash index on %d\n", goodBucket); temp->bucket = goodBucket; // Get it a bucket temp->prev = NULL; // because it will go at head temp->next = queue->front; // attach node if (queue->rear == NULL) { // should mean queue is empty but double check if (queue->front != NULL) if (REALLY_DEBUG) printf("Rear null but head not, error\n"); queue->rear = temp; queue->front = temp; } else if (queue->front == queue->rear) { queue->front = temp; queue->front->next = queue->rear; queue->front->next->prev = queue->front; } else { // min capacity 3 queue->front->prev = temp; queue->front = temp; } hash->array[goodBucket] = temp; // pass to hash queue->count++; return; } void MoveNodeToFront(struct LRUCache *cache, struct Queue *queue, struct Hash *hash, int value, int key, int bucket) { // can happen on get requests QNode *tmp = hash->array[bucket]; // pointer to the node in question if (tmp == queue->front) { // Already at head, don't need to do anything. return; } else if (queue->front == queue->rear) { // shouldn't be triggered based on above condition. if (REALLY_DEBUG) printf("This should never run. Should be handled by the above condition. " "Implying error\n"); if (REALLY_DEBUG) printf("Q count should be 1. Queue count is %d\n", queue->count); return; } else // standard case { // if in hash, should(!!) also be in the queue. If not, VERY BAD. Not super // easy to check if (REALLY_DEBUG) printf("bucket is still %d and key is %d (1)\n", bucket, key); if (tmp == NULL) if (REALLY_DEBUG) printf("QNode not found in Enqueue function bucket\n"); if (tmp->prev == NULL) if (REALLY_DEBUG) printf( "Temp previous is null but should not be (because not at head)\n"); if (REALLY_DEBUG) printf("hash[bucket]->data is %d\n", tmp->data); tmp->prev->next = tmp->next; if (tmp != queue->rear) tmp->next->prev = tmp->prev; // SEG FAULT if tmp is rear!! if (tmp == queue->rear) queue->rear = tmp->prev; tmp->prev->next = tmp->next; queue->front->prev = tmp; tmp->next = queue->front; queue->front = tmp; // queue front could point to queue->rear, or to an intermediary queue->front->prev = NULL; // Now the node in question is right pointed return; // queue count doesn't change. we're done? Will it work? } return; } void Enqueue(struct LRUCache *cache, struct Queue *queue, struct Hash *hash, int value, int key) { int bucket = searchCache( cache, key); // bucket can be -1 not found or bucket where exists if (REALLY_DEBUG) printf("Enqueuing key %d and bucket is: %d\n", key, bucket); if (queue->count == queue->capacity && bucket < 0) { if (REALLY_DEBUG) printf("Ready to dequeue rear and add new node\n"); unsigned hashbucket = queue->rear->bucket; deQueue(queue); dehash(queue, hash, hashbucket, hash->array[hashbucket]->key); } if (bucket == -1) { EnqueueNewNode(cache, queue, hash, value, key); return; } else if (bucket >= 0) { // explicitly double checked, existing in cache MoveNodeToFront(cache, queue, hash, value, key, bucket); return; } } unsigned int hashfunc(unsigned capacity, int key) { unsigned int provisional_bucket = (key * 353) % capacity; return provisional_bucket; // may need adjustment (linear probing) } int searchCache(struct LRUCache *cache, int key) { // look in hash for item of "key"; double check key=key in case of collision unsigned test_bucket = hashfunc(cache->capacity, key); if (REALLY_DEBUG) printf("test bucket %d\n ", test_bucket); // 9 if (cache->hash->array[test_bucket] != NULL) { if (cache->hash->array[test_bucket]->key == key) { return test_bucket; // simplest case, returns location } else { // linear probe time int cap = cache->capacity; unsigned original_test_bucket = test_bucket; while (cache->hash->array[test_bucket] != NULL) { test_bucket = ((test_bucket + 1) % cap); if (test_bucket == original_test_bucket) { // back to start, avoid infinite looping if (REALLY_DEBUG) printf("Probed hash, object not found. returning -1\n"); return -1; // returns -1 } if (cache->hash->array[test_bucket] != NULL && cache->hash->array[test_bucket]->key == key) return test_bucket; } } } else { // just have else for good measure. Simply not found in array return -1; } return -1; } // Declarations void freeQueue(Queue *queue); void freeHash(Hash *hash); void freeQNode(QNode *qnode); void printQueueData(LRUCache *cache, char *op); struct LRUCache *lRUCacheCreate(int capacity) { struct LRUCache *cache = malloc(sizeof(struct LRUCache)); cache->capacity = capacity; cache->queue = createQueue(capacity); cache->hash = createHash(capacity); return cache; } // THIS IS WHERE THE ERROR HAPPEN(ED) -- fixed- (sort of), but not understood int lRUCacheGet(struct LRUCache *obj, int key) { if (REALLY_DEBUG) printf("\nGetting key %d\n", key); int location = searchCache(obj, key); if (location >= 0) { // found, else searchCache returns -1 // printf("location found at %d\n", location); // PRINTF struct QNode *tempNode = obj->hash->array[location]; // found in hash SEG FAULT HERE!! int tempData = tempNode->data; // Preserve Data before enqeueing Enqueue(obj, obj->queue, obj->hash, tempData, key); // TODO redundantly recalculates hash. Should be separate // funtion "reorder" or "move_to_head"? return tempData; } else { return location; // is -1 already } } void lRUCachePut(struct LRUCache *obj, int key, int value) { int bucket = searchCache(obj, key); // already checks that key is right if (bucket >= 0) { int existing_value = obj->hash->array[bucket]->data; if (value != existing_value) { obj->hash->array[bucket]->data = value; } MoveNodeToFront(obj, obj->queue, obj->hash, value, key, bucket); return; } // unsigned bucket = hashfunc(obj->capacity, key); // gets original bucket if (REALLY_DEBUG) printf("\nPutting key %d value %d\n", key, value); Enqueue(obj, obj->queue, obj->hash, value, key); // also dequeues/dehashes, adds to hash, moves to front } void lRUCacheFree(struct LRUCache *obj) { freeQueue(obj->queue); freeHash(obj->hash); free(obj); return; } void freeQueue(struct Queue *queue) { struct QNode *curr = queue->front; while (curr) { QNode *tmp = curr; curr = curr->next; free(tmp); } free(queue); } void freeHash( Hash *hash) { // if you free the nodes associated with the hash in the // linked list, you also free them in the hash right? Because // they're pointed at. They'll point at null or rather out of // range things (seg fault territory?) free(hash); } void freeQNode(QNode *qnode); void printQueueData(LRUCache *cache, char *op) { QNode *n = cache->queue->front; int c = 0; QNode *p = n->prev; while (n != NULL) { printf("QC:%d ", cache->queue->capacity); printf("QueueNode %d k:%d data = %d n->prev:%d, n->next:%d\n", c, n->key, n->data, n->prev != NULL, n->next != NULL); c++; n = n->next; } if (p == NULL) printf("Front's prev points to null. "); printf("next queue node is NULL\n"); QNode *r = cache->queue->rear; if (r) printf("Queue Rear exists:%d and its data: %d\n", r != NULL, r->data); } void printCurrentState(LRUCache *cache, char *op) { if (DEBUG_MODE) { printf("\nCURRENT STATE after %s::::::::::\n", op); printf("cache has capacity of %d\n", cache->capacity); printQueueData(cache, op); for (int i = 0; i < cache->capacity; i++) { if (cache->hash->array[i] != NULL) printf("Hashtable[%d] = %d\n", i, cache->hash->array[i]->data); } } }