# 2000. Reverse Prefix of Word """ given a 0-indexed string 'word' and a character 'ch', reverse the segment of 'word' that starts at index 0 and ends at the index of the first occurence of 'ch' (inclusively). if the character 'ch' does not exist in 'word', do nothing. return the resulting string. """ class Solution(object): def reversePrefix(self, word, ch): """ :type word: str :type ch: str :rtype: str """ idx = word.find(ch) if idx: return word[: idx + 1][::-1] + word[idx + 1 :] return word if __name__ == "__main__": obj = Solution() print(obj.reversePrefix("abcdefd", "d")) print(obj.reversePrefix("xyxzxe", "z")) print(obj.reversePrefix("abcd", "z"))