// 1146. Snapshot Array #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> /* * implement a 'SnapshotArray' class that supports the following interface * - 'SnapshotArray(int length)' initialises an array-like data structure with * the given length. initially, each element equals zero. * - 'void set(index, val)' sets the element at the given 'index' to be equal to * 'val' * - 'int snap()' takes a snapshot of the array and retusn the 'snap_id': the * total number of times we called 'snap()' minus 1 * - 'int get(index, snap_id)' returns the value at the given 'index', at the * time we took the snapshot with the given 'snap_id' */ #define SIZE 50000 struct v { int v; int i; struct v *n; }; typedef struct { struct v *vl[SIZE]; int i; } SnapshotArray; SnapshotArray *snapshotArrayCreate(int length) { return calloc(1, sizeof(SnapshotArray)); } void snapshotArraySet(SnapshotArray *obj, int index, int val) { SnapshotArray *s = obj; struct v *v = s->vl[s->i], *p = NULL; for (; v && index > v->i; p = v, v = v->n) ; if (v && index == v->i) v->v = val; else { struct v *n = calloc(1, sizeof(*n)); n->v = val; n->i = index; n->n = v; p ? p->n = n : (s->vl[s->i] = n); } } int snapshotArraySnap(SnapshotArray *obj) { SnapshotArray *s = obj; struct v *h = s->vl[s->i++]; for (struct v **p = &s->vl[s->i]; h; h = h->n) { (*p = calloc(1, sizeof(**p)))->v = h->v; (*p)->i = h->i; p = &(*p)->n; } return s->i - 1; } int snapshotArrayGet(SnapshotArray *obj, int index, int snap_id) { SnapshotArray *s = obj; struct v *h; for (h = s->vl[snap_id]; h && h->i < index; h = h->n) ; return h && h->i == index ? h->v : 0; } void snapshotArrayFree(SnapshotArray *obj) { free(obj); } int main() { SnapshotArray *obj = snapshotArrayCreate(3); snapshotArraySet(obj, 0, 5); printf("%d\n", snapshotArraySnap(obj)); // expect: 0 snapshotArraySet(obj, 0, 6); printf("%d\n", snapshotArrayGet(obj, 0, 0)); // expect: 5 }