# 1408. String Matching in an Array """ given an array of string 'words', return all the strings in 'words' that is a substring of another word. you can return the answer in any order. a substring is a contiguous sequence of characters within a string. """ class Solution(object): def stringMatching(self, words): """ :type words: List[str] :rtype: List[str] """ n, ans = len(words), [] for i in range(n): for j in range(n): if i != j: if words[j] in words[i]: ans.append(words[j]) return list(set(ans)) if __name__ == "__main__": obj = Solution() print(obj.stringMatching(words=["mass", "as", "hero", "superhero"])) print(obj.stringMatching(words=["leetcode", "et", "code"])) print(obj.stringMatching(words=["blue", "green", "bu"]))