path: root/docs/keycodes_basic.md
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1 files changed, 192 insertions, 0 deletions
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+# Basic keycodes
+Basic keycodes are based on [HID Usage Keyboard/Keypad Page(0x07)](http://www.usb.org/developers/hidpage/Hut1_12v2.pdf) with following exceptions:
+* `KC_NO` = 0 for no action
+* `KC_TRNS` = 1 for layer transparency
+* internal special keycodes in the `0xA5-DF` range (tmk heritage).
+## Letters and Numbers
+## Punctuation
+|Long Name|Short Name|Description|
+|KC_MINUS|KC_MINS|`-` and `_`|
+|KC_EQUAL|KC_EQL|`=` and `+`|
+|KC_LBRACKET|KC_LBRC|`[` and `{`|
+|KC_RBRACKET|KC_RBRC|`]` and `}`|
+|KC_BSLASH|KC_BSLS|`\` and <code>&#124;</code> |
+|KC_NONUS_HASH|KC_NUHS|Non-US `#` and `~`|
+|KC_NONUS_BSLASH|KC_NUBS|Non-US `\` and <code>&#124;</code> |
+|KC_INT1|KC_RO|JIS `\` and <code>&#124;</code> |
+|KC_INT3|KC_JYEN|Yen Symbol (`¥`)|
+|KC_SCOLON|KC_SCLN|`;` and `:`|
+|KC_QUOTE|KC_QUOT|`‘` and `“`|
+|KC_GRAVE|KC_GRV|Grave Accent and Tilde|
+|KC_COMMA|KC_COMM|`,` and `<`|
+|KC_DOT||`.` and `>`|
+|KC_SLASH|KC_SLSH|`/` and `?`|
+## Modifiers
+|Long Name|Short Name|Description|
+|KC_LGUI||Left GUI(Windows/Apple/Meta key)|
+|KC_RGUI||Right GUI(Windows/Apple/Meta key)|
+|KC_LOCKING_CAPS|KC_LCAP|Locking Caps Lock|
+|KC_LOCKING_NUM|KC_LNUM|Locking Num Lock|
+|KC_LOCKING_SCROLL|KC_LSCR|Locking Scroll Lock|
+|KC_INT5|KC_MHEN|JIS Muhenken|
+## Commands
+|Long Name|Short Name|Description|
+|KC_DELETE|KC_DEL|Delete Forward|
+|KC_ALT_ERASE||Alternate Erase|
+|KC_SYSTEM_POWER|KC_PWR|System Power Down|
+## Media Keys
+Windows and Mac use different key codes for next track and previous track. Make sure you choose the keycode that corresponds to your OS.
+|Long Name|Short Name|Description|
+|KC__VOLUP||Volume Up|
+|KC__VOLDOWN||Volume Down|
+|KC_MEDIA_NEXT_TRACK|KC_MNXT|Next Track (Windows)|
+|KC_MEDIA_PREV_TRACK|KC_MPRV|Previous Track (Windows)|
+|KC_MEDIA_REWIND|KC_MRWD|Previous Track (macOS)|
+## Numpad
+|Long Name|Short Name|Description|
+|KC_NUMLOCK|KC_NLCK|Keypad Num Lock and Clear|
+|KC_KP_PLUS|KC_PPLS|Keypad +|
+|KC_KP_1|KC_P1|Keypad 1 and End|
+|KC_KP_2|KC_P2|Keypad 2 and Down Arrow|
+|KC_KP_3|KC_P3|Keypad 3 and PageDn|
+|KC_KP_4|KC_P4|Keypad 4 and Left Arrow|
+|KC_KP_5|KC_P5|Keypad 5|
+|KC_KP_6|KC_P6|Keypad 6 and Right Arrow|
+|KC_KP_7|KC_P7|Keypad 7 and Home|
+|KC_KP_8|KC_P8|Keypad 8 and Up Arrow|
+|KC_KP_9|KC_P9|Keypad 9 and PageUp|
+|KC_KP_0|KC_P0|Keypad 0 and Insert|
+|KC_KP_DOT|KC_PDOT|Keypad . and Delete|
+|KC_KP_COMMA|KC_PCMM|Keypad Comma|
+|KC_KP_EQUAL_AS400||Keypad Equal Sign|
+## Special Keys
+|Long Name|Short Name|Description|
+|KC_NO||Ignore this key. (NOOP) |
+## Mousekey
+|Long Name|Short Name|Description|
+|KC_MS_UP|KC_MS_U|Mouse Cursor Up|
+|KC_MS_DOWN|KC_MS_D|Mouse Cursor Down|
+|KC_MS_LEFT|KC_MS_L|Mouse Cursor Left|
+|KC_MS_RIGHT|KC_MS_R|Mouse Cursor Right|
+|KC_MS_BTN1|KC_BTN1|Mouse Button 1|
+|KC_MS_BTN2|KC_BTN2|Mouse Button 2|
+|KC_MS_BTN3|KC_BTN3|Mouse Button 3|
+|KC_MS_BTN4|KC_BTN4|Mouse Button 4|
+|KC_MS_BTN5|KC_BTN5|Mouse Button 5|
+|KC_MS_WH_UP|KC_WH_U|Mouse Wheel Up|
+|KC_MS_WH_DOWN|KC_WH_D|Mouse Wheel Down|
+|KC_MS_WH_LEFT|KC_WH_L|Mouse Wheel Left|
+|KC_MS_WH_RIGHT|KC_WH_R|Mouse Wheel Right|
+|KC_MS_ACCEL0|KC_ACL0|Mouse Acceleration 0|
+|KC_MS_ACCEL1|KC_ACL1|Mouse Acceleration 1|
+|KC_MS_ACCEL2|KC_ACL2|Mouse Acceleration 2|