path: root/mykey.c
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1 files changed, 100 insertions, 195 deletions
diff --git a/mykey.c b/mykey.c
index 098bb4e51f..93f753f01f 100644
--- a/mykey.c
+++ b/mykey.c
@@ -1,3 +1,6 @@
+/* 2010/08/23 noname
+ * keyboard firmware based on PJRC USB keyboard example
+ */
/* Keyboard example with debug channel, for Teensy USB Development Board
* http://www.pjrc.com/teensy/usb_keyboard.html
* Copyright (c) 2008 PJRC.COM, LLC
@@ -27,211 +30,115 @@
#include <util/delay.h>
#include "usb_keyboard_debug.h"
#include "print.h"
+#include "matrix.h"
#include "keymap.h"
-#define LED_CONFIG (DDRD |= (1<<6))
-#define LED_ON (PORTD &= ~(1<<6))
-#define LED_OFF (PORTD |= (1<<6))
-#define CPU_PRESCALE(n) (CLKPR = 0x80, CLKPR = (n))
+#define LED_CONFIG (DDRD |= (1<<6))
+#define LED_ON (PORTD &= ~(1<<6))
+#define LED_OFF (PORTD |= (1<<6))
+#define CPU_PRESCALE(n) (CLKPR = 0x80, CLKPR = (n))
-uint8_t number_keys[10]=
- {KEY_0,KEY_1,KEY_2,KEY_3,KEY_4,KEY_5,KEY_6,KEY_7,KEY_8,KEY_9};
uint16_t idle_count=0;
-// scan matrix
-uint8_t MAX_ROW = 9;
-// initialize ports for matrix
-void port_setup(void)
+int main(void)
- // Column: input w/pullup
- DDRB = 0x00;
- PORTB = 0xFF;
- // Row: Hi-Z(unselected)
- // PD:0,1,2,3,6,7
- // PC:6,7
- // PF:7
- DDRD = 0x00;
- PORTD = 0x00;
- DDRC = 0x00;
- PORTC = 0x00;
- DDRF = 0x00;
- PORTF = 0x00;
+ uint8_t modified = 0;
+ uint8_t key_index = 0;
-// select a row of matrix for read
-void select_row(uint8_t row)
- switch (row) {
- case 0:
- DDRD = (1<<0);
- PORTD = 0x00;
- DDRC = 0x00;
- PORTC = 0x00;
- DDRF = 0x00;
- PORTF = 0x00;
- break;
- case 1:
- DDRD = (1<<1);
- PORTD = 0x00;
- DDRC = 0x00;
- PORTC = 0x00;
- DDRF = 0x00;
- PORTF = 0x00;
- break;
- case 2:
- DDRD = (1<<2);
- PORTD = 0x00;
- DDRC = 0x00;
- PORTC = 0x00;
- DDRF = 0x00;
- PORTF = 0x00;
- break;
- case 3:
- DDRD = (1<<3);
- PORTD = 0x00;
- DDRC = 0x00;
- PORTC = 0x00;
- DDRF = 0x00;
- PORTF = 0x00;
- break;
- case 4:
- DDRD = (1<<6);
- PORTD = 0x00;
- DDRC = 0x00;
- PORTC = 0x00;
- DDRF = 0x00;
- PORTF = 0x00;
- break;
- case 5:
- DDRD = (1<<7);
- PORTD = 0x00;
- DDRC = 0x00;
- PORTC = 0x00;
- DDRF = 0x00;
- PORTF = 0x00;
- break;
- case 6:
- DDRD = 0x00;
- PORTD = 0x00;
- DDRC = (1<<6);
- PORTC = 0x00;
- DDRF = 0x00;
- PORTF = 0x00;
- break;
- case 7:
- DDRD = 0x00;
- PORTD = 0x00;
- DDRC = (1<<7);
- PORTC = 0x00;
- DDRF = 0x00;
- PORTF = 0x00;
- break;
- case 8:
- DDRD = 0x00;
- PORTD = 0x00;
- DDRC = 0x00;
- PORTC = 0x00;
- DDRF = (1<<7);
- PORTF = 0x00;
- break;
- }
+ // set for 16 MHz clock
-uint8_t read_col(void)
- return PINB;
+ matrix_init();
-int main(void)
- uint8_t i, reset_idle;
- uint8_t prev_state[MAX_ROW];
- for (int i=0; i < MAX_ROW; i++) prev_state[i] = 0xFF;
- // set for 16 MHz clock
- port_setup();
- // Initialize the USB, and then wait for the host to set configuration.
- // If the Teensy is powered without a PC connected to the USB port,
- // this will wait forever.
- usb_init();
- while (!usb_configured()) /* wait */ ;
- // Wait an extra second for the PC's operating system to load drivers
- // and do whatever it does to actually be ready for input
- _delay_ms(1000);
- // Configure timer 0 to generate a timer overflow interrupt every
- // 256*1024 clock cycles, or approx 61 Hz when using 16 MHz clock
- // This demonstrates how to use interrupts to implement a simple
- // inactivity timeout.
- TCCR0A = 0x00;
- TCCR0B = 0x05;
- TIMSK0 = (1<<TOIE0);
- print("Begin keyboard example program\n");
- print("All Port B or Port D pins are inputs with pullup resistors.\n");
- print("Any connection to ground on Port B or D pins will result in\n");
- print("keystrokes sent to the PC (and debug messages here).\n");
- uint8_t col;
- uint8_t code;
- while (1) {
- reset_idle = 0;
- for (uint8_t r=0; r < MAX_ROW; r++) {
- select_row(r);
- // without this read unstable value.
- _delay_us(30);
- col = read_col();
- if (col != prev_state[r]) {
- prev_state[r] = col;
- phex(r);
- print(": ");
- pbin(col);
- print("\n");
- for (int c = 0; c < 8; c++) {
- if (col & 1<<c) continue;
- code = get_keycode(r, c);
- phex(code);
- print("\n");
- usb_keyboard_press(code, 0);
- }
- reset_idle = 1;
+ // Initialize the USB, and then wait for the host to set configuration.
+ // If the Teensy is powered without a PC connected to the USB port,
+ // this will wait forever.
+ usb_init();
+ while (!usb_configured()) /* wait */ ;
+ // Wait an extra second for the PC's operating system to load drivers
+ // and do whatever it does to actually be ready for input
+ _delay_ms(1000);
+ // Configure timer 0 to generate a timer overflow interrupt every
+ // 256*1024 clock cycles, or approx 61 Hz when using 16 MHz clock
+ // This demonstrates how to use interrupts to implement a simple
+ // inactivity timeout.
+ TCCR0A = 0x00;
+ TCCR0B = 0x05;
+ TIMSK0 = (1<<TOIE0);
+ print("keyboard firmware 0.1 for t.m.k.\n");
+ while (1) {
+ uint8_t row, col, code;
+ modified = 0;
+ matrix_scan();
+ keyboard_modifier_keys = 0;
+ for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
+ keyboard_keys[i] = KB_NO;
+ key_index = 0;
+ for (row = 0; row < MATRIX_ROWS; row++) {
+ if (matrix[row] != prev_matrix[row]) {
+ modified = 1;
+ }
+ for (col = 0; col < MATRIX_COLS; col++) {
+ if (matrix[row] & 1<<col) continue;
+ code = get_keycode(row, col);
+ // Modifier keycode: 0xE0-0xE7
+ if (KB_LCTRL <= code && code <= KB_RGUI) {
+ keyboard_modifier_keys |= 1<<(code&0x07);
+ } else {
+ if (key_index < 6) {
+ keyboard_keys[key_index] = code;
+ }
+ key_index++;
+ }
+ if (key_index > 6) {
+ //Rollover
+ }
- // if any keypresses were detected, reset the idle counter
- if (reset_idle) {
- // variables shared with interrupt routines must be
- // accessed carefully so the interrupt routine doesn't
- // try to use the variable in the middle of our access
- cli();
- idle_count = 0;
- sei();
- }
- // now the current pins will be the previous, and
- // wait a short delay so we're not highly sensitive
- // to mechanical "bounce".
- _delay_ms(2);
- }
+ // if any keypresses were detected, reset the idle counter
+ if (modified) {
+ print(" 01234567\n");
+ for (row = 0; row < MATRIX_ROWS; row++) {
+ phex(row); print(": "); pbin_reverse(matrix[row]); print("\n");
+ }
+ print("keys: ");
+ for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { phex(keyboard_keys[i]); print(" "); }
+ print("\n");
+ print("mod: "); phex(keyboard_modifier_keys); print("\n");
+ usb_keyboard_send();
+ // variables shared with interrupt routines must be
+ // accessed carefully so the interrupt routine doesn't
+ // try to use the variable in the middle of our access
+ cli();
+ idle_count = 0;
+ sei();
+ }
+ // now the current pins will be the previous, and
+ // wait a short delay so we're not highly sensitive
+ // to mechanical "bounce".
+ _delay_ms(2);
+ }
// This interrupt routine is run approx 61 times per second.
@@ -240,12 +147,10 @@ int main(void)
// hid_listen debug message window.
- idle_count++;
- if (idle_count > 61 * 8) {
- idle_count = 0;
- print("Timer Event :)\n");
- //usb_keyboard_press(KEY_SPACE, 0);
- }
+ idle_count++;
+ if (idle_count > 61 * 8) {
+ idle_count = 0;
+ //print("Timer Event :)\n");
+ //usb_keyboard_press(KEY_SPACE, 0);
+ }