# # local_features.mk contains post-processing rules for the Helix keyboard. # # Post-processing rules convert keyboard-specific shortcuts (that represent # combinations of standard options) into QMK standard options. # KEYBOARD_LOCAL_FEATURES_MK := -include $(strip $(HELIX_TOP_DIR)/rev2/override_helix_options.mk) ## File dedicated to maintenance # Parse 'HELIX=xx,yy,zz' option ifneq ($(strip $(HELIX)),) # make HELIX=ios helix/pico:AKEYMAP # make HELIX=no-ani helix/pico:AKEYMAP # make HELIX=no-oled helix/pico:AKEYMAP # make HELIX=ios,no-ani,no-oled helix/pico:AKEYMAP define HELIX_OPTION_PARSE # parce 'no-ani' 'ios' 'no-oled' $(if $(SHOW_PARCE),$(info parse .$1.)) #debug $(if $(HELIX_OVERRIDE_PARSE),$(call HELIX_OVERRIDE_PARSE,$1)) ifeq ($(strip $1),ios) IOS_DEVICE_ENABLE = yes endif ifneq ($(filter na no_ani no-ani,$(strip $1)),) LED_ANIMATIONS = no endif ifneq ($(filter nooled no-oled,$(strip $1)),) OLED_ENABLE = no endif ifeq ($(strip $1),oled) OLED_ENABLE = yes endif endef # end of HELIX_OPTION_PARSE COMMA=, $(eval $(foreach A_OPTION_NAME,$(subst $(COMMA), ,$(HELIX)), \ $(call HELIX_OPTION_PARSE,$(A_OPTION_NAME)))) SHOW_HELIX_OPTIONS = yes endif ######## # convert Helix-specific options (that represent combinations of standard options) # into QMK standard options. ifeq ($(strip $(LED_BACK_ENABLE)), yes) RGBLIGHT_ENABLE = yes OPT_DEFS += -DRGBLED_BACK ifeq ($(strip $(LED_UNDERGLOW_ENABLE)), yes) $(error LED_BACK_ENABLE and LED_UNDERGLOW_ENABLE both 'yes') endif else ifeq ($(strip $(LED_UNDERGLOW_ENABLE)), yes) RGBLIGHT_ENABLE = yes endif ifeq ($(strip $(IOS_DEVICE_ENABLE)), yes) OPT_DEFS += -DIOS_DEVICE_ENABLE endif ifeq ($(strip $(LED_ANIMATIONS)), yes) OPT_DEFS += -DLED_ANIMATIONS endif ifeq ($(strip $(OLED_ENABLE)), yes) ifeq ($(strip $(LOCAL_GLCDFONT)), yes) OPT_DEFS += -DOLED_FONT_H=\<helixfont.h\> else OPT_DEFS += -DOLED_FONT_H=\"common/glcdfont.c\" endif endif ifneq ($(strip $(SHOW_HELIX_OPTIONS)),) $(info Helix Spacific Build Options) $(info - OLED_ENABLE = $(OLED_ENABLE)) $(info - LED_BACK_ENABLE = $(LED_BACK_ENABLE)) $(info - LED_UNDERGLOW_ENABLE = $(LED_UNDERGLOW_ENABLE)) $(info - LED_ANIMATIONS = $(LED_ANIMATIONS)) $(info - IOS_DEVICE_ENABLE = $(IOS_DEVICE_ENABLE)) $(info ) $(info QMK Build Options) $(info -- SPLIT_KEYBOARD = $(SPLIT_KEYBOARD)) $(info -- RGBLIGHT_ENABLE = $(RGBLIGHT_ENABLE)) $(info -- OLED_DRIVER = $(OLED_DRIVER)) $(info -- OLED_LOCAL_ENABLE = $(OLED_LOCAL_ENABLE)) $(info -- CONSOLE_ENABLE = $(CONSOLE_ENABLE)) $(info -- OPT_DEFS = $(OPT_DEFS)) $(info -- LTO_ENABLE = $(LTO_ENABLE)) $(info ) endif