/* Copyright 2016 Jack Humbert * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #include "process_midi.h" #include <LUFA/Drivers/USB/USB.h> #include "midi.h" #include "qmk_midi.h" #include "timer.h" #include "debug.h" #ifdef MIDI_BASIC void process_midi_basic_noteon(uint8_t note) { midi_send_noteon(&midi_device, 0, note, 127); } void process_midi_basic_noteoff(uint8_t note) { midi_send_noteoff(&midi_device, 0, note, 0); } void process_midi_all_notes_off(void) { midi_send_cc(&midi_device, 0, 0x7B, 0); } #endif // MIDI_BASIC #ifdef MIDI_ADVANCED static uint8_t tone_status[2][MIDI_TONE_COUNT]; static uint8_t midi_modulation; static int8_t midi_modulation_step; static uint16_t midi_modulation_timer; midi_config_t midi_config; inline uint8_t compute_velocity(uint8_t setting) { return setting * (128 / (MIDI_VELOCITY_MAX - MIDI_VELOCITY_MIN)); } void midi_init(void) { midi_config.octave = QK_MIDI_OCTAVE_2 - MIDI_OCTAVE_MIN; midi_config.transpose = 0; midi_config.velocity = 127; midi_config.channel = 0; midi_config.modulation_interval = 8; for (uint8_t i = 0; i < MIDI_TONE_COUNT; i++) { tone_status[0][i] = MIDI_INVALID_NOTE; tone_status[1][i] = 0; } midi_modulation = 0; midi_modulation_step = 0; midi_modulation_timer = 0; } uint8_t midi_compute_note(uint16_t keycode) { return 12 * midi_config.octave + (keycode - MIDI_TONE_MIN) + midi_config.transpose; } bool process_midi(uint16_t keycode, keyrecord_t *record) { switch (keycode) { case MIDI_TONE_MIN ... MIDI_TONE_MAX: { uint8_t channel = midi_config.channel; uint8_t tone = keycode - MIDI_TONE_MIN; uint8_t velocity = midi_config.velocity; if (record->event.pressed) { uint8_t note = midi_compute_note(keycode); midi_send_noteon(&midi_device, channel, note, velocity); dprintf("midi noteon channel:%d note:%d velocity:%d\n", channel, note, velocity); tone_status[1][tone] += 1; if (tone_status[0][tone] == MIDI_INVALID_NOTE) { tone_status[0][tone] = note; } } else { uint8_t note = tone_status[0][tone]; tone_status[1][tone] -= 1; if (tone_status[1][tone] == 0) { midi_send_noteoff(&midi_device, channel, note, velocity); dprintf("midi noteoff channel:%d note:%d velocity:%d\n", channel, note, velocity); tone_status[0][tone] = MIDI_INVALID_NOTE; } } return false; } case MIDI_OCTAVE_MIN ... MIDI_OCTAVE_MAX: if (record->event.pressed) { midi_config.octave = keycode - MIDI_OCTAVE_MIN; dprintf("midi octave %d\n", midi_config.octave); } return false; case QK_MIDI_OCTAVE_DOWN: if (record->event.pressed && midi_config.octave > 0) { midi_config.octave--; dprintf("midi octave %d\n", midi_config.octave); } return false; case QK_MIDI_OCTAVE_UP: if (record->event.pressed && midi_config.octave < (MIDI_OCTAVE_MAX - MIDI_OCTAVE_MIN)) { midi_config.octave++; dprintf("midi octave %d\n", midi_config.octave); } return false; case MIDI_TRANSPOSE_MIN ... MIDI_TRANSPOSE_MAX: if (record->event.pressed) { midi_config.transpose = keycode - QK_MIDI_TRANSPOSE_0; dprintf("midi transpose %d\n", midi_config.transpose); } return false; case QK_MIDI_TRANSPOSE_DOWN: if (record->event.pressed && midi_config.transpose > (MIDI_TRANSPOSE_MIN - QK_MIDI_TRANSPOSE_0)) { midi_config.transpose--; dprintf("midi transpose %d\n", midi_config.transpose); } return false; case QK_MIDI_TRANSPOSE_UP: if (record->event.pressed && midi_config.transpose < (MIDI_TRANSPOSE_MAX - QK_MIDI_TRANSPOSE_0)) { const bool positive = midi_config.transpose > 0; midi_config.transpose++; if (positive && midi_config.transpose < 0) midi_config.transpose--; dprintf("midi transpose %d\n", midi_config.transpose); } return false; case MIDI_VELOCITY_MIN ... MIDI_VELOCITY_MAX: if (record->event.pressed) { midi_config.velocity = compute_velocity(keycode - MIDI_VELOCITY_MIN); dprintf("midi velocity %d\n", midi_config.velocity); } return false; case QK_MIDI_VELOCITY_DOWN: if (record->event.pressed && midi_config.velocity > 0) { if (midi_config.velocity == 127) { midi_config.velocity -= 10; } else if (midi_config.velocity > 12) { midi_config.velocity -= 13; } else { midi_config.velocity = 0; } dprintf("midi velocity %d\n", midi_config.velocity); } return false; case QK_MIDI_VELOCITY_UP: if (record->event.pressed && midi_config.velocity < 127) { if (midi_config.velocity < 115) { midi_config.velocity += 13; } else { midi_config.velocity = 127; } dprintf("midi velocity %d\n", midi_config.velocity); } return false; case MIDI_CHANNEL_MIN ... MIDI_CHANNEL_MAX: if (record->event.pressed) { midi_config.channel = keycode - MIDI_CHANNEL_MIN; dprintf("midi channel %d\n", midi_config.channel); } return false; case QK_MIDI_CHANNEL_DOWN: if (record->event.pressed) { midi_config.channel--; dprintf("midi channel %d\n", midi_config.channel); } return false; case QK_MIDI_CHANNEL_UP: if (record->event.pressed) { midi_config.channel++; dprintf("midi channel %d\n", midi_config.channel); } return false; case QK_MIDI_ALL_NOTES_OFF: if (record->event.pressed) { midi_send_cc(&midi_device, midi_config.channel, 0x7B, 0); dprintf("midi all notes off\n"); } return false; case QK_MIDI_SUSTAIN: midi_send_cc(&midi_device, midi_config.channel, 0x40, record->event.pressed ? 127 : 0); dprintf("midi sustain %d\n", record->event.pressed); return false; case QK_MIDI_PORTAMENTO: midi_send_cc(&midi_device, midi_config.channel, 0x41, record->event.pressed ? 127 : 0); dprintf("midi portamento %d\n", record->event.pressed); return false; case QK_MIDI_SOSTENUTO: midi_send_cc(&midi_device, midi_config.channel, 0x42, record->event.pressed ? 127 : 0); dprintf("midi sostenuto %d\n", record->event.pressed); return false; case QK_MIDI_SOFT: midi_send_cc(&midi_device, midi_config.channel, 0x43, record->event.pressed ? 127 : 0); dprintf("midi soft %d\n", record->event.pressed); return false; case QK_MIDI_LEGATO: midi_send_cc(&midi_device, midi_config.channel, 0x44, record->event.pressed ? 127 : 0); dprintf("midi legato %d\n", record->event.pressed); return false; case QK_MIDI_MODULATION: midi_modulation_step = record->event.pressed ? 1 : -1; return false; case QK_MIDI_MODULATION_SPEED_DOWN: if (record->event.pressed) { midi_config.modulation_interval++; // prevent overflow if (midi_config.modulation_interval == 0) midi_config.modulation_interval--; dprintf("midi modulation interval %d\n", midi_config.modulation_interval); } return false; case QK_MIDI_MODULATION_SPEED_UP: if (record->event.pressed && midi_config.modulation_interval > 0) { midi_config.modulation_interval--; dprintf("midi modulation interval %d\n", midi_config.modulation_interval); } return false; case QK_MIDI_PITCH_BEND_DOWN: if (record->event.pressed) { midi_send_pitchbend(&midi_device, midi_config.channel, -0x2000); dprintf("midi pitchbend channel:%d amount:%d\n", midi_config.channel, -0x2000); } else { midi_send_pitchbend(&midi_device, midi_config.channel, 0); dprintf("midi pitchbend channel:%d amount:%d\n", midi_config.channel, 0); } return false; case QK_MIDI_PITCH_BEND_UP: if (record->event.pressed) { midi_send_pitchbend(&midi_device, midi_config.channel, 0x1fff); dprintf("midi pitchbend channel:%d amount:%d\n", midi_config.channel, 0x1fff); } else { midi_send_pitchbend(&midi_device, midi_config.channel, 0); dprintf("midi pitchbend channel:%d amount:%d\n", midi_config.channel, 0); } return false; }; return true; } #endif // MIDI_ADVANCED void midi_task(void) { midi_device_process(&midi_device); #ifdef MIDI_ADVANCED if (timer_elapsed(midi_modulation_timer) < midi_config.modulation_interval) return; midi_modulation_timer = timer_read(); if (midi_modulation_step != 0) { dprintf("midi modulation %d\n", midi_modulation); midi_send_cc(&midi_device, midi_config.channel, 0x1, midi_modulation); if (midi_modulation_step < 0 && midi_modulation < -midi_modulation_step) { midi_modulation = 0; midi_modulation_step = 0; return; } midi_modulation += midi_modulation_step; if (midi_modulation > 127) midi_modulation = 127; } #endif }