Copyright 2021 Jonavin Eng @Jonavin This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <>. LAYERS: - 0 = _BASE - 1 = _FN1 - 2 = _LOWER - 3 = _RAISE KEYCODES: - KC_CAD Ctrl-Alt-Del - KC_AF4 Alt-F4 - KC_TASK Windows Task Manager (Ctrl-Shift-Esc) - LSFT_CAPSLOCK When LSFT_CAPSLOCK_ENABLE is defined, hold for Shift double tap for CAPSLOCK; otherwise, just Shift - KC_00 double zero "00" - KC_WINLCK toggles LGui/Win key lock - RGB_TOI Increase Timeout idle time threshold - RGB_TOD Decrease Timeout idle time threshold - CT_PGUP Ctrl-PgUp - CT_PGDN Ctrl-PgDn - CT_HOME Ctrl-HOme - CT_END Ctrl-End - KC_SFTUP RShift when held, Up arrow when tapped - KC_RAISESPC _RAISE layer mod when held, space when tapped - KC_LOWERSPC _LOWER layer mod when held, space when tapped - KC_TSTOG toggles between volume and Alt-Tab encoder control - When EMOTICON_ENABLE = yes - EMO_SHRUG `\_("/)_/` - EMO_CONFUSE (*_*) - EMD_TEARS (T_T) - EMO_NERVOUS (~_~;) - EMO_JOY (^o^) - EMO_SAD :'-( AVAILABLE ENCODER ACTIONS: - void encoder_action_volume(bool clockwise); - void encoder_action_mediatrack(bool clockwise); - void encoder_action_navword(bool clockwise); - void encoder_action_navpage(bool clockwise); - - uint8_t get_selected_layer(void); - void encoder_action_layerchange(bool clockwise); - - void encoder_action_rgb_speed(bool clockwise); - void encoder_action_rgb_hue(bool clockwise); - void encoder_action_rgb_saturation(bool clockwise); - void encoder_action_rgb_brightness(bool clockwise); - void encoder_action_rgb_mode(bool clockwise); - - void encoder_action_alttabscroll(bool clockwise) - void encoder_toggle_alttabscroll(void); ENABLE FEATURES your keymap --------------------------------------- STARTUP_NUMLOCK_ON = yes - turns on NUMLOCK by default ENCODER_DEFAULTACTIONS_ENABLE = yes - Enabled default encoder funtions - When enabled, use this in the keymap for an additional encoder processing - bool encoder_update_keymap(uint8_t index, bool clockwise) OPTION: set ENCODER_DEFAULTACTIONS_INDEX to the encoder number if the encoder is not index 0 TD_LSFT_CAPSLOCK_ENABLE = yes - This will enable double tap on Left Shift to toggle CAPSLOCK - KC_LSFTCAPS to bind to left Shift to enable feature - KC_LSFTCAPSWIN does the same thing but will not turn on CAPS when Win Lkey is disabled IDLE_TIMEOUT_ENABLE = yes - Enables Timer functionality; for RGB idle timeouts that can be changed dynamically - When enabled, use this in the keymap for an additional matrix processing: void matrix_scan_keymap(void) EMOTICON_ENABLE - adds EMO_ keycodes for text emojis INVERT_NUMLOCK_INDICATOR - inverts the Num lock indicator, LED is on when num lock is off ALTTAB_SCROLL_ENABLE - When ENCODER_DEFAULTACTIONS_ENABLE = yes, Enables Alt-Tab scrolling functions in default encoder, bind KS_TSTOG to a key to enable/disable Alt-Tab vs Volume control - When defining your own encoder functions use encoder_action_alttabscroll(bool clockwise) to assign the encodr action FUNCTIONS ------------------------ - u16int_t get_timeout_threshold(void) // returns the current timeout threshold - void timeout_update_threshold(bool increase) // change threshold: true = increase, false = decrease - void timeout_reset_timer(void) // resets timer (put in process_record_user if you override it) - void timeout_tick_timer(void) // registers time ticks (put in maxtrix_scan_user if you override it) Other Functions: - activate_numlock(bool turn_on) // true = turn on NUM LOCK, false = off KEYMAP LEVEL ADDITIONAL PROCESSING FUNCTIONS - bool process_record_keymap(uint16_t keycode, keyrecord_t *record) - void keyboard_post_init_keymap(void) LIST OF COMPATIBLE KEYMAPS - gmmk/pro/ansi - keebio/quefrency/rev3 - mechwild/mercutio - mechwild/murphpad - mechwild/OBE - kbdfans/kdb67 - nopunin10did/kastenwagen (*) (*) coming soon