path: root/normalMode.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'normalMode.c')
1 files changed, 284 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/normalMode.c b/normalMode.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f0c7e30
--- /dev/null
+++ b/normalMode.c
@@ -0,0 +1,284 @@
+#include <X11/keysym.h>
+#include <X11/XKBlib.h>
+#include "normalMode.h"
+#include "utils.h"
+extern Glyph const styleSearch, style[];
+extern char const wDelS[], wDelL[], *nmKeys[];
+extern unsigned int bg[], fg, currentBg, highlightBg, highlightFg, amountNmKeys;
+typedef struct { int p[3]; } Pos;
+typedef enum {visual='v', visualLine='V', yank = 'y'} Op;
+typedef enum {infix_none=0, infix_i='i', infix_a='a'} Infix;
+typedef enum {fw='/', bw='?'} Search;
+struct NormalModeState {
+ struct OperationState { Op op; Infix infix; } cmd;
+ struct MotionState { uint32_t c; int active; Pos searchPos; Search search; } m;
+} defaultNormalMode, state;
+DynamicArray searchStr=UTF8_ARRAY, cCmd=UTF8_ARRAY, lCmd=UTF8_ARRAY;
+Glyph styleCmd;
+char posBuffer[10], braces[6][3] = { {"()"}, {"<>"}, {"{}"}, {"[]"}, {"\"\""}, {"''"}};
+int exited=1, overlay=1;
+static inline Rune cChar() { return term.line[term.c.y][term.c.x].u; }
+static inline int pos(int p, int h) {return IS_SET(MODE_ALTSCREEN)?p:rangeY(p+h*histOff-insertOff);}
+static inline int contains(Rune l, char const * values, size_t const memSize) {
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < memSize; ++i) if (l == values[i]) return 1;
+ return 0;
+static inline void decodeTo(char const *cs, size_t len, DynamicArray *arr) {
+ char *var = expand(arr);
+ if (!var) empty(arr); else utf8decode(cs, (Rune*)(var), len);
+static inline void applyPos(Pos p) {
+ term.c.x = p.p[0], term.c.y = p.p[1];
+ if (!IS_SET(MODE_ALTSCREEN) && histOp) term.line = &buf[histOff = p.p[2]];
+/// Find string in history buffer, and provide string-match-lookup for highlighting matches
+static int highlighted(int x, int y) {
+ int const s=term.row*term.col, i=y*term.col+x, sz=size(&searchStr);
+ return sz && i<s && mark[i]!=sz && i+mark[i]<s && !mark[i+mark[i]];
+static void markSearchMatches(int all) {
+ int sz = size(&searchStr), ox = 0, oy = 0, oi=0;
+ for (int y=0; sz && all && y<term.row; ++y)
+ for (int x=0; x<term.col; ++x) term.dirty[y] |= highlighted(x, y);
+ for (int y = 0, wi=0, owi=0, i=0; sz && y < term.row; ++y)
+ for (int x=0; x<term.col; ++x, wi%=sz, ++i, owi=wi)
+ if (all || term.dirty[y]) {
+ mark[i]=sz-(wi=(getU32(&searchStr,wi,1)==term.line[y][x].u?wi+1:0));
+ if (wi==1) ox=x, oy=y, oi=i; else if (!wi && owi) x=ox, y=oy, i=oi;
+ }
+ for (int y=0; sz &&all &&y<term.row; ++y)
+ for (int x=0; x<term.col; ++x) term.dirty[y] |= highlighted(x, y);
+static int findString(int s, int all) {
+ Pos p = (Pos) {.p={term.c.x, term.c.y, IS_SET(MODE_ALTSCREEN) ? 0 : histOff}};
+ historyMove(s, 0, 0);
+ uint32_t strSz=size(&searchStr), maxIter=rows()*term.col+strSz, wIdx=0;
+ for (uint32_t i=0, wi = 0; wIdx<strSz && ++i<=maxIter; historyMove(s, 0, 0), wi=wIdx) {
+ wIdx = (getU32(&searchStr, wIdx, s>0)==cChar())?wIdx+1:0;
+ if (wi && !wIdx) historyMove(-(int)(s*wi), 0, 0);
+ }
+ if (wIdx == strSz && wIdx) historyMove(-(int)(s*strSz), 0, 0);
+ else applyPos(p);
+ markSearchMatches(all);
+ return wIdx == strSz;
+/// Execute series of normal-mode commands from char array / decoded from dynamic array
+ExitState pressKeys(char const* s, size_t e) {
+ ExitState x=success;
+ for (size_t i=0; i<e && (x=(!s[i] ? x : kPressHist(&s[i], 1, 0, NULL))); ++i);
+ return x;
+static ExitState executeCommand(uint32_t *cs, size_t z) {
+ ExitState x=success;
+ char dc [32];
+ for (size_t i=0; i<z && (x=kPressHist(dc, utf8encode(cs[i],dc),0,NULL));++i);
+ return x;
+/// Get character for overlay, if the overlay (st) has something to show, else normal char.
+static void getChar(DynamicArray *st, Glyph *glyphChange, int y, int xEnd, int width, int x) {
+ if (x < xEnd - min(min(width,xEnd), size(st))) *glyphChange = term.line[y][x];
+ else if (x<xEnd) glyphChange->u = *((Rune*)(st->content + (size(st)+x-xEnd)*st->elSize));
+/// Expand "infix" expression: for instance (w =>) l b | | v e | | y
+static ExitState expandExpression(char l) { // ({ =>) l ? { \n | l | v / } \n | h | y
+ int a=state.cmd.infix==infix_a, yank=state.cmd.op=='y', lc=tolower(l), found=1;
+ state.cmd.infix = infix_none;
+ if(!yank && state.cmd.op!=visual && state.cmd.op!=visualLine) return failed;
+ char mot[11] = {'l', 0, 'b', 0, 0, 'v', 0, 'e', 0, 0, (char)(yank ? 'y' : 0)};
+ if (lc == 'w') mot[2] = (char) ('b' - lc + l), mot[7] = (char) ((a ? 'w' : 'e') - lc + l), mot[9]=(char)(a?'h':0);
+ else {
+ mot[1]='?', mot[3]=mot[8]='\n', mot[6]='/', mot[4]=(char)(a?0:'l'), mot[9]=(char)(a?0:'h');
+ for (int i=found=0; !found && i < 6; ++i)
+ if ((found=contains(l,braces[i],2))) mot[2]=braces[i][0], mot[7]=braces[i][1];
+ }
+ if (!found) return failed;
+ assign(&lCmd, &cCmd);
+ empty(&cCmd);
+ state.cmd = defaultNormalMode.cmd;
+ return pressKeys(mot, 11);
+ExitState executeMotion(char const cs, KeySym const *const ks) {
+ state.m.c = state.m.c < 1u ? 1u : state.m.c;
+ if (ks && *ks == XK_d) historyMove(0, 0, term.row / 2);
+ else if (ks && *ks == XK_u) historyMove(0, 0, -term.row / 2);
+ else if (ks && *ks == XK_f) historyMove(0, 0, term.row-1+(term.c.y=0));
+ else if (ks && *ks == XK_b) historyMove(0, 0, -(term.c.y=term.row-1));
+ else if (ks && *ks == XK_h) overlay = !overlay;
+ else if (cs == 'K') historyMove(0, 0, -(int)state.m.c);
+ else if (cs == 'J') historyMove(0, 0, (int)state.m.c);
+ else if (cs == 'k') historyMove(0, -(int)state.m.c, 0);
+ else if (cs == 'j') historyMove(0, (int)state.m.c, 0);
+ else if (cs == 'h') historyMove(-(int)state.m.c, 0, 0);
+ else if (cs == 'l') historyMove( (int)state.m.c, 0, 0);
+ else if (cs == 'H') term.c.y = 0;
+ else if (cs == 'M') term.c.y = term.bot / 2;
+ else if (cs == 'L') term.c.y = term.bot;
+ else if (cs == 's' || cs == 'S') altToggle = cs == 's' ? !altToggle : 1;
+ else if (cs == 'G' || cs == 'g') {
+ if (cs == 'G') term.c = c[0] = c[IS_SET(MODE_ALTSCREEN)+1];
+ if (!IS_SET(MODE_ALTSCREEN)) term.line = &buf[histOff=insertOff];
+ } else if (cs == '0') term.c.x = 0;
+ else if (cs == '$') term.c.x = term.col-1;
+ else if (cs == 't') sel.type = sel.type==SEL_REGULAR ? SEL_RECTANGULAR : SEL_REGULAR;
+ else if (cs == 'n' || cs == 'N') {
+ int const d = ((cs=='N')!=(state.m.search==bw))?-1:1;
+ for (uint32_t i = state.m.c; i && findString(d, 0); --i);
+ } else if (contains(cs, "wWeEbB", 6)) {
+ int const low=cs<=90, off=tolower(cs)!='w', sgn=(tolower(cs)=='b')?-1:1;
+ size_t const l=strlen(wDelL), s=strlen(wDelS), maxIt=rows()*term.col;
+ for (int it=0, on=0; state.m.c > 0 && it < maxIt; ++it) {
+ // If an offset is to be performed in beginning or not in beginning, move in history.
+ if ((off || it) && historyMove(sgn, 0, 0)) break;
+ // Determine if the category of the current letter changed since last iteration.
+ int n = 1<<(contains(cChar(),wDelS,s) ?(2-low) :!contains(cChar(),wDelL,l)),
+ found = (on|=n)^n && ((off ?on^n :n)!=1);
+ // If a reverse offset is to be performed and this is the last letter:
+ if (found && off) historyMove(-sgn, 0, 0);
+ // Terminate iteration: reset #it and old n value #on and decrease operation count:
+ if (found) it=-1, on=0, --state.m.c;
+ }
+ } else return failed;
+ state.m.c = 0;
+ return state.cmd.op == yank ? exitMotion : success;
+ExitState kPressHist(char const *cs, size_t len, int ctrl, KeySym const *kSym) {
+ historyOpToggle(1, 1);
+ int const prevYOff=IS_SET(MODE_ALTSCREEN)?0:histOff, search=state.m.search&&state.m.active,
+ prevAltToggle=altToggle, prevOverlay=overlay;
+ int const noOp=!state.cmd.op&&!state.cmd.infix, num=len==1&&BETWEEN(cs[0],48,57),
+ esc=kSym&&*kSym==XK_Escape, ret=(kSym&&*kSym==XK_Return)||(len==1&&cs[0]=='\n'),
+ quantifier=num&&(cs[0]!='0'||state.m.c), ins=!search &&noOp &&len &&cs[0]=='i';
+ exited = 0;
+ ExitState result = success;
+ if (esc || ret || ins) { result = exitMotion, len = 0;
+ } else if (kSym && *kSym == XK_BackSpace) {
+ if ((search || state.m.c) && size(&cCmd)) pop(&cCmd);
+ if (search) {
+ if (size(&searchStr)) pop(&searchStr);
+ else result = exitMotion;
+ if (!size(&searchStr)) tfulldirt();
+ applyPos(state.m.searchPos);
+ findString(state.m.search==fw ? 1 : -1, 1);
+ } else if (state.m.c) state.m.c /= 10;
+ len = 0;
+ } else if (search) {
+ if (len >= 1) decodeTo(cs, len, &searchStr);
+ applyPos(state.m.searchPos);
+ findString(state.m.search==fw ? 1 : -1, 1);
+ } else if (len == 0) { result = failed;
+ } else if (quantifier) { state.m.c = min(SHRT_MAX, (int)state.m.c*10+cs[0]-48);
+ } else if (state.cmd.infix && state.cmd.op && (result = expandExpression(cs[0]), len=0)) {
+ } else if (cs[0] == 'd') { state = defaultNormalMode; result = exitMotion; state.m.active = 1;
+ } else if (cs[0] == '.') {
+ if (size(&cCmd)) assign(&lCmd, &cCmd);
+ empty(&cCmd);
+ executeCommand((uint32_t*) lCmd.content, size(&lCmd));
+ empty(&cCmd);
+ len = 0;
+ } else if (cs[0] == 'r') { tfulldirt();
+ } else if (cs[0] == 'c') {
+ empty(&lCmd);
+ empty(&cCmd);
+ empty(&searchStr);
+ tfulldirt();
+ len = 0;
+ } else if (cs[0] == fw || cs[0] == bw) {
+ empty(&searchStr);
+ state.m.search = (Search) cs[0];
+ state.m.searchPos = (Pos){.p={term.c.x, term.c.y, prevYOff}};
+ state.m.active = 1;
+ } else if (cs[0]==infix_i || cs[0]==infix_a) { state.cmd.infix=(Infix) cs[0];
+ } else if (cs[0] == 'y') {
+ if (state.cmd.op) {
+ result = (state.cmd.op == yank || state.cmd.op == visualLine) ? exitOp : exitMotion;
+ if (state.cmd.op == yank) selstart(0, term.c.y, 0);
+ } else selstart(term.c.x, term.c.y, 0);
+ state.cmd.op = yank;
+ } else if (cs[0] == visual || cs[0] == visualLine) {
+ if (state.cmd.op != (Op) cs[0]) {
+ state.cmd = defaultNormalMode.cmd;
+ state.cmd.op = (Op) cs[0];
+ selstart(cs[0] == visualLine ?0 :term.c.x, term.c.y, 0);
+ } else result = exitOp;
+ } else if (!(result =executeMotion((char) (len?cs[0]:0), ctrl?kSym:NULL))) {
+ result=failed;
+ for (size_t i = 0; !ctrl && i < amountNmKeys; ++i)
+ if (cs[0]==nmKeys[i][0] &&
+ failed!=(result=pressKeys(&nmKeys[i][1], strlen(nmKeys[i])-1))) goto end;
+ } // Operation/Motion finished if valid: update cmd string, extend selection, update search
+ if (result != failed) {
+ if (len == 1 && !ctrl) decodeTo(cs, len, &cCmd);
+ if ((state.cmd.op == visualLine) || ((state.cmd.op == yank) && (result == exitOp))) {
+ int const off = term.c.y + (IS_SET(MODE_ALTSCREEN) ? 0 : histOff) < sel.ob.y; //< Selection start below end.
+ sel.ob.x = off ? term.col - 1 : 0;
+ selextend(off ? 0 : term.col-1, term.c.y, sel.type, 0);
+ } else if (sel.oe.x != -1) {
+ selextend(term.c.x, term.c.y, sel.type, 0);
+ }
+ } // Set repaint for motion or status bar
+ if (!IS_SET(MODE_ALTSCREEN) && prevYOff != histOff) tfulldirt();
+ // Terminate Motion / operation if thus indicated
+ if (result == exitMotion) {
+ if (!state.m.active) result = (exited=noOp) ? finish : exitOp;
+ state.m.active = (int) (state.m.c = 0u);
+ }
+ if (result == exitOp || result == finish) {
+ if (state.cmd.op == yank) {
+ xsetsel(getsel());
+ xclipcopy();
+ }
+ state = defaultNormalMode;
+ selclear();
+ if (!esc) assign(&lCmd, &cCmd);
+ empty(&cCmd);
+ } // Update the content displayed in the history overlay
+ styleCmd = style[state.cmd.op==yank ? 1 : (state.cmd.op==visual ? 2 :
+ (state.cmd.op==visualLine ? 3 :0))];
+ int const posLin = !IS_SET(MODE_ALTSCREEN) ? rangeY(insertOff-histOff):0, h=rows()-term.row;
+ if (!posLin || posLin==h || !h) strcpy(posBuffer, posLin ? " [BOT] " : " [TOP] ");
+ else sprintf(posBuffer, " % 3d%c ", min(100, max(0, (int)(.5 + posLin * 100. / h))),'%');
+ if ((overlay || overlay!=prevOverlay) && term.col>9 && term.row>4) {
+ if (!term.dirty[term.row-1]) xdrawline(term.line[term.row-1], term.col*2/3, term.row-1, term.col-1);
+ if (!term.dirty[term.row-2]) xdrawline(term.line[term.row-2], term.col*2/3, term.row-2, term.col-1);
+ }
+ if (result==finish) altToggle = 0;
+ if (altToggle != prevAltToggle) tswapscreen();
+ historyOpToggle(-1, 1);
+ return result;
+void historyOverlay(int x, int y, Glyph* g) {
+ if (!histMode) return;
+ TCursor const *cHist = histOp ? &term.c : &c[0];
+ if(overlay && term.col > 9 && term.row > 4 && (x > (2*term.col/3)) && (y >= (term.row-2))) {
+ *g = (y == term.row - 2) ? styleSearch : styleCmd;
+ if (y == term.row-2) getChar(&searchStr, g, term.row-2, term.col-2, term.col/3, x);
+ else if (x > term.col - 7) g->u = (Rune)(posBuffer[x - term.col + 7]);
+ else getChar(size(&cCmd) ?&cCmd :&lCmd, g, term.row-1, term.col-7, term.col/3-6, x);
+ } else if (highlighted(x, y)) g->bg = highlightBg, g->fg = highlightFg;
+ else if ((x==cHist->x) ^ (y==cHist->y)) g->bg = currentBg;
+ else if (x==cHist->x) g->mode^=ATTR_REVERSE;
+void historyPreDraw() {
+ static Pos op = {.p={0, 0, 0}};
+ historyOpToggle(1, 0);
+ // Draw the cursor cross if changed
+ if (term.c.y >= term.row || op.p[1] >= term.row) tfulldirt();
+ else if (exited || (op.p[1] != term.c.y)) term.dirty[term.c.y] = term.dirty[op.p[1]] = 1;
+ for (int i=0; (exited || term.c.x != op.p[0]) && i<term.row; ++i) if (!term.dirty[i]) {
+ xdrawline(term.line[i], term.c.x, i, term.c.x + 1);
+ xdrawline(term.line[i], op.p[0], i, op.p[0] + 1);
+ }
+ // Update search results either only for lines with new content or all results if exiting
+ markSearchMatches(exited);
+ op = (Pos){.p = {term.c.x, term.c.y, 0}};
+ historyOpToggle(-1, 0);