path: root/other/max_points_line.rs
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Diffstat (limited to 'other/max_points_line.rs')
1 files changed, 91 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/other/max_points_line.rs b/other/max_points_line.rs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ee9c03d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/other/max_points_line.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+use std::collections::HashMap;
+struct Solution;
+* 'Line' is represented as y = m * x + c
+* m & c are rational numbers because of integer coordinates,
+* but in general floating point numbers can be insufficient to
+* guarantee uniqueness as they are still finite precision.
+* so for most real irl cases we use numerator and denominator
+* to represent m & c. decimal precision!!!
+* if m -> +- infinity then use x-int to identify line
+* if m == 0 then use y-int to identify line
+#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
+enum Line {
+ Inf(i32), //x-int
+ MC((i32, i32), (i32, i32)), //numerator, denominator tuples for m & c
+ Zero(i32) //y-int
+impl Solution {
+ pub fn max_points(points: Vec<Vec<i32>>) -> i32 {
+ if points.len() == 1 {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ //y - y0 = (y1 - y0) / (x1 - x0) * (x - x0)
+ //y = dy / dx x + (dx * y0 - dy * x0) / dx
+ let mut fm: HashMap<Line, i32> = HashMap::new();
+ points.iter().enumerate().flat_map(|(i, pt1)| {
+ points.iter().skip(i + 1).map(move |pt2| {
+ //swap points arounto make sure dy >= 0 since we are storing
+ //fraction numerator & denominator separately.
+ let (x0, y0, x1, y1) = if pt2[1] > pt1[1] || (pt2[1] == pt1[1] && pt2[0] > pt2[1]) {
+ (pt1[0], pt1[1], pt2[0], pt2[1])
+ } else {
+ (pt2[0], pt2[1], pt1[0], pt1[1])
+ };
+ let mut dy = y1 - y0;
+ let mut dx = x1 - x0;
+ let g = Self::gcd(dy.abs(), dx.abs());
+ if g != 0 {
+ dy /= g;
+ dx /= g;
+ }
+ if dx != 0 && dy != 0 {
+ /*
+ * slope is non-zero and finite so consistent line representation
+ * can be achieved using numerator & denominator representation
+ * because we have already preprocessed dy & dx for sign consistency
+ * and removed gcd from dy & dx
+ */
+ Line::MC((dy, dx), (dx * y0 - dy * x0, dx))
+ } else if dx == 0 {
+ //x-int is enough to identify common lines
+ Line::Inf(x0)
+ } else {
+ //y-int is enough to identify common lines
+ Line::Zero(y0)
+ }
+ })
+ }).for_each(|k| {
+ *fm.entry(k).or_insert(0) += 1;
+ });
+ let n = fm.values().max().cloned().unwrap();
+ /*
+ * if 'm' points lie on a line & all points have been processed pairwise
+ * then n = m * (m - 1) / 2 pairs of points would have matched to same
+ * line m^2 - m - 2 * n = 0 => m = (1 + sqrt(8 * n + 1)) / 2
+ */
+ (1 + (8f64 * n as f64 + 1f64).sqrt() as i32) / 2
+ }
+ fn gcd(a: i32, b: i32) -> i32 {
+ if a == 0 || b == 0 {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ let (mut a, mut b) = (a, b);
+ while b > 0 {
+ let tmp = a % b;
+ a = b;
+ b = tmp;
+ }
+ a
+ }
+fn main() {
+ let points1 = vec![vec![1,1],vec![2,2],vec![3,3]];
+ let points2 = vec![vec![1,1],vec![3,2],vec![5,3],vec![4,1],vec![2,3],vec![1,4]];
+ println!("{}", Solution::max_points(points1)); //expect: 3
+ println!("{}", Solution::max_points(points2)); //expect: 3