path: root/docs/features/led_matrix.md
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authorRyan <[email protected]>2024-06-13 12:55:47 +1000
committerGitHub <[email protected]>2024-06-13 12:55:47 +1000
commitbe9dfe65dd9cbc9f58e7c55894220b6708a22da7 (patch)
tree1a638ff5cd71d491f2334909832538685a207542 /docs/features/led_matrix.md
parentfa403562500e1229256ea355d36a8bf4c7967021 (diff)
Add API reference section for LED/RGB Matrix docs (#23902)
Diffstat (limited to 'docs/features/led_matrix.md')
1 files changed, 290 insertions, 49 deletions
diff --git a/docs/features/led_matrix.md b/docs/features/led_matrix.md
index 164cbc0f5f..3e3c17d2c1 100644
--- a/docs/features/led_matrix.md
+++ b/docs/features/led_matrix.md
@@ -380,55 +380,6 @@ For inspiration and examples, check out the built-in effects under `quantum/led_
The EEPROM for it is currently shared with the RGB Matrix system (it's generally assumed only one feature would be used at a time).
-### Direct Operation {#direct-operation}
-|Function |Description |
-|`led_matrix_set_value_all(v)` |Set all of the LEDs to the given value, where `v` is between 0 and 255 (not written to EEPROM) |
-|`led_matrix_set_value(index, v)` |Set a single LED to the given value, where `v` is between 0 and 255, and `index` is between 0 and `LED_MATRIX_LED_COUNT` (not written to EEPROM) |
-### Disable/Enable Effects {#disable-enable-effects}
-|Function |Description |
-|`led_matrix_toggle()` |Toggle effect range LEDs between on and off |
-|`led_matrix_toggle_noeeprom()` |Toggle effect range LEDs between on and off (not written to EEPROM) |
-|`led_matrix_enable()` |Turn effect range LEDs on, based on their previous state |
-|`led_matrix_enable_noeeprom()` |Turn effect range LEDs on, based on their previous state (not written to EEPROM) |
-|`led_matrix_disable()` |Turn effect range LEDs off, based on their previous state |
-|`led_matrix_disable_noeeprom()` |Turn effect range LEDs off, based on their previous state (not written to EEPROM) |
-### Change Effect Mode {#change-effect-mode}
-|Function |Description |
-|`led_matrix_mode(mode)` |Set the mode, if LED animations are enabled |
-|`led_matrix_mode_noeeprom(mode)` |Set the mode, if LED animations are enabled (not written to EEPROM) |
-|`led_matrix_step()` |Change the mode to the next LED animation in the list of enabled LED animations |
-|`led_matrix_step_noeeprom()` |Change the mode to the next LED animation in the list of enabled LED animations (not written to EEPROM) |
-|`led_matrix_step_reverse()` |Change the mode to the previous LED animation in the list of enabled LED animations |
-|`led_matrix_step_reverse_noeeprom()` |Change the mode to the previous LED animation in the list of enabled LED animations (not written to EEPROM) |
-|`led_matrix_increase_speed()` |Increase the speed of the animations |
-|`led_matrix_increase_speed_noeeprom()` |Increase the speed of the animations (not written to EEPROM) |
-|`led_matrix_decrease_speed()` |Decrease the speed of the animations |
-|`led_matrix_decrease_speed_noeeprom()` |Decrease the speed of the animations (not written to EEPROM) |
-|`led_matrix_set_speed(speed)` |Set the speed of the animations to the given value where `speed` is between 0 and 255 |
-|`led_matrix_set_speed_noeeprom(speed)` |Set the speed of the animations to the given value where `speed` is between 0 and 255 (not written to EEPROM) |
-### Change Value {#change-value}
-|Function |Description |
-|`led_matrix_increase_val()` |Increase the value for effect range LEDs. This wraps around at maximum value |
-|`led_matrix_increase_val_noeeprom()` |Increase the value for effect range LEDs. This wraps around at maximum value (not written to EEPROM) |
-|`led_matrix_decrease_val()` |Decrease the value for effect range LEDs. This wraps around at minimum value |
-|`led_matrix_decrease_val_noeeprom()` |Decrease the value for effect range LEDs. This wraps around at minimum value (not written to EEPROM) |
-### Query Current Status {#query-current-status}
-|Function |Description |
-|`led_matrix_is_enabled()` |Gets current on/off status |
-|`led_matrix_get_mode()` |Gets current mode |
-|`led_matrix_get_val()` |Gets current val |
-|`led_matrix_get_speed()` |Gets current speed |
-|`led_matrix_get_suspend_state()` |Gets current suspend state |
## Callbacks {#callbacks}
### Indicators {#indicators}
@@ -452,3 +403,293 @@ void led_matrix_indicators_advanced_user(uint8_t led_min, uint8_t led_max) {
return false;
+## API {#api}
+### `void led_matrix_toggle(void)` {#api-led-matrix-toggle}
+Toggle LED Matrix on or off.
+### `void led_matrix_toggle_noeeprom(void)` {#api-led-matrix-toggle-noeeprom}
+Toggle LED Matrix on or off. New state is not written to EEPROM.
+### `void led_matrix_enable(void)` {#api-led-matrix-enable}
+Turn LED Matrix on.
+### `void led_matrix_enable_noeeprom(void)` {#api-led-matrix-enable-noeeprom}
+Turn LED Matrix on. New state is not written to EEPROM.
+### `void led_matrix_disable(void)` {#api-led-matrix-disable}
+Turn LED Matrix off.
+### `void led_matrix_disable_noeeprom(void)` {#api-led-matrix-disable-noeeprom}
+Turn LED Matrix off. New state is not written to EEPROM.
+### `bool led_matrix_is_enabled(void)` {#api-led-matrix-is-enabled}
+Get the current enabled state of LED Matrix.
+#### Return Value {#api-led-matrix-is-enabled-return}
+`true` if LED Matrix is enabled.
+### `void led_matrix_set_value(uint8_t index, uint8_t v)` {#led-matrix-set-value}
+Set the brightness of a single LED.
+This function can only be run from within an effect or indicator callback, otherwise the currently running animation will simply overwrite it on the next frame.
+#### Arguments {#api-led-matrix-set-value-arguments}
+ - `uint8_t index`
+ The LED index, from 0 to `LED_MATRIX_LED_COUNT - 1`.
+ - `uint8_t v`
+ The brightness value to set.
+### `void led_matrix_set_value_all(uint8_t v)` {#api-led-matrix-set-value-all}
+Set the brightness of all LEDs.
+This function can only be run from within an effect or indicator callback, otherwise the currently running animation will simply overwrite it on the next frame.
+#### Arguments {#api-led-matrix-set-value-all-arguments}
+ - `uint8_t v`
+ The brightness value to set.
+### `void led_matrix_mode(uint8_t mode)` {#api-led-matrix-mode}
+Set the currently running effect.
+#### Arguments {#api-led-matrix-mode-arguments}
+ - `uint8_t mode`
+ The effect to switch to.
+### `void led_matrix_mode_noeeprom(uint8_t mode)` {#api-led-matrix-mode-noeeprom}
+Set the currently running effect. New state is not written to EEPROM.
+#### Arguments {#api-led-matrix-mode-noeeprom-arguments}
+ - `uint8_t mode`
+ The effect to switch to.
+### `void led_matrix_step(void)` {#api-led-matrix-step}
+Move to the next enabled effect.
+### `void led_matrix_step_noeeprom(void)` {#api-led-matrix-step-noeeprom}
+Move to the next enabled effect. New state is not written to EEPROM.
+### `void led_matrix_step_reverse(void)` {#api-led-matrix-step-reverse}
+Move to the previous enabled effect.
+### `void led_matrix_step_reverse_noeeprom(void)` {#api-led-matrix-step-reverse}
+Move to the previous enabled effect. New state is not written to EEPROM.
+### `uint8_t led_matrix_get_mode(void)` {#api-led-matrix-get-mode}
+Get the currently running effect.
+#### Return Value {#api-led-matrix-get-mode-return}
+The index of the currently running effect.
+### `void val_matrix_increase_val(void)` {#api-led-matrix-increase-val}
+Increase the global effect brightness.
+### `void led_matrix_increase_val_noeeprom(void)` {#api-led-matrix-increase-val-noeeprom}
+Increase the global effect brightness. New state is not written to EEPROM.
+### `void led_matrix_decrease_val(void)` {#api-led-matrix-decrease-val}
+Decrease the global effect brightness.
+### `void led_matrix_decrease_val_noeeprom(void)` {#api-led-matrix-decrease-val-noeeprom}
+Decrease the global effect brightness. New state is not written to EEPROM.
+### `uint8_t led_matrix_get_val(void)` {#api-led-matrix-get-val}
+Get the current global effect brightness.
+#### Return Value {#api-led-matrix-get-val-return}
+The current brightness value, from 0 to 255.
+### `void led_matrix_increase_speed(void)` {#api-led-matrix-increase-speed}
+Increase the effect speed.
+### `void led_matrix_increase_speed_noeeprom(void)` {#api-led-matrix-increase-speed-noeeprom}
+Increase the effect speed. New state is not written to EEPROM.
+### `void led_matrix_decrease_speed(void)` {#api-led-matrix-decrease-speed}
+Decrease the effect speed.
+### `void led_matrix_decrease_speed_noeeprom(void)` {#api-led-matrix-decrease-speed-noeeprom}
+Decrease the effect speed. New state is not written to EEPROM.
+### `void led_matrix_set_speed(uint8_t speed)` {#api-led-matrix-set-speed}
+Set the effect speed.
+#### Arguments {#api-led-matrix-set-speed-arguments}
+ - `uint8_t speed`
+ The new speed to set, from 0 to 255.
+### `void led_matrix_set_speed_noeeprom(uint8_t speed)` {#api-led-matrix-set-speed-noeeprom}
+Set the effect speed. New state is not written to EEPROM.
+#### Arguments {#api-led-matrix-set-speed-noeeprom-arguments}
+ - `uint8_t speed`
+ The new speed to set, from 0 to 255.
+### `uint8_t led_matrix_get_speed(void)` {#api-led-matrix-get-speed}
+Get the current effect speed.
+#### Return Value {#api-led-matrix-get-speed-return}
+The current effect speed, from 0 to 255.
+### `void led_matrix_reload_from_eeprom(void)` {#api-led-matrix-reload-from-eeprom}
+Reload the effect configuration (enabled, mode and brightness) from EEPROM.
+### `bool led_matrix_get_suspend_state(void)` {#api-led-matrix-get-suspend-state}
+Get the current suspend state of LED Matrix.
+#### Return Value {#api-led-matrix-get-suspend-state-return}
+`true` if LED Matrix is currently in the suspended state.
+### `bool led_matrix_indicators_kb(void)` {#api-led-matrix-indicators-kb}
+Keyboard-level callback, invoked after current animation frame is rendered but before it is flushed to the LEDs.
+#### Return Value {#api-led-matrix-indicators-kb-return}
+Currently unused.
+### `bool led_matrix_indicators_user(void)` {#api-led-matrix-indicators-user}
+Keymap-level callback, invoked after current animation frame is rendered but before it is flushed to the LEDs.
+#### Return Value {#api-led-matrix-indicators-user-return}
+`true` to continue running the keyboard-level callback.
+### `bool led_matrix_indicators_advanced_kb(uint8_t led_min, uint8_t led_max)` {#api-led-matrix-indicators-advanced-kb}
+Keyboard-level callback, invoked after current animation frame is rendered but before it is flushed to the LEDs.
+### Arguments {#api-led-matrix-indicators-advanced-kb-arguments}
+ - `uint8_t led_min`
+ The index of the first LED in this batch.
+ - `uint8_t led_max`
+ The index of the last LED in this batch.
+#### Return Value {#api-led-matrix-indicators-advanced-kb-return}
+Currently unused.
+### `bool led_matrix_indicators_advanced_user(uint8_t led_min, uint8_t led_max)` {#api-led-matrix-indicators-advanced-user}
+Keymap-level callback, invoked after current animation frame is rendered but before it is flushed to the LEDs.
+### Arguments {#api-led-matrix-indicators-advanced-user-arguments}
+ - `uint8_t led_min`
+ The index of the first LED in this batch.
+ - `uint8_t led_max`
+ The index of the last LED in this batch.
+#### Return Value {#api-led-matrix-indicators-advanced-user-return}
+`true` to continue running the keyboard-level callback.