path: root/drivers/painter
diff options
authorSteve Storck <steve973@gmail.com>2025-02-16 16:41:07 -0500
committerGitHub <noreply@github.com>2025-02-17 08:41:07 +1100
commitc00b0c5bc96b4cd5d096d3c8701e86be9aba4982 (patch)
treea9f1adbbf6c350ee9e602b6035d5baadc8205be8 /drivers/painter
parent164b7331c3b98165e49d38127bee366f9c545513 (diff)
Created SH1107 driver for quantum painter (#24724)
Co-authored-by: Sergey Vlasov <sigprof@gmail.com>
Diffstat (limited to 'drivers/painter')
3 files changed, 307 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/drivers/painter/sh1107/qp_sh1107.c b/drivers/painter/sh1107/qp_sh1107.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f4cbd49e40
--- /dev/null
+++ b/drivers/painter/sh1107/qp_sh1107.c
@@ -0,0 +1,218 @@
+#include "qp_internal.h"
+#include "qp_comms.h"
+#include "qp_surface_internal.h"
+#include "qp_oled_panel.h"
+#include "qp_sh1107.h"
+#include "qp_sh1107_opcodes.h"
+#include "qp_surface.h"
+// Driver storage
+typedef struct sh1107_device_t {
+ oled_panel_painter_device_t oled;
+ uint8_t framebuffer[SURFACE_REQUIRED_BUFFER_BYTE_SIZE(128, 128, 1)];
+} sh1107_device_t;
+static sh1107_device_t sh1107_drivers[SH1107_NUM_DEVICES] = {0};
+// Quantum Painter API implementations
+// Initialisation
+__attribute__((weak)) bool qp_sh1107_init(painter_device_t device, painter_rotation_t rotation) {
+ sh1107_device_t *driver = (sh1107_device_t *)device;
+ // Change the surface geometry based on the panel rotation
+ if (rotation == QP_ROTATION_90 || rotation == QP_ROTATION_270) {
+ driver->oled.surface.base.panel_width = driver->oled.base.panel_height;
+ driver->oled.surface.base.panel_height = driver->oled.base.panel_width;
+ } else {
+ driver->oled.surface.base.panel_width = driver->oled.base.panel_width;
+ driver->oled.surface.base.panel_height = driver->oled.base.panel_height;
+ }
+ // Init the internal surface
+ if (!qp_init(&driver->oled.surface.base, QP_ROTATION_0)) {
+ qp_dprintf("Failed to init internal surface in qp_sh1107_init\n");
+ return false;
+ }
+ // clang-format off
+ uint8_t sh1107_init_sequence[] = {
+ // Command, Delay, N, Data[N]
+ SH1107_SET_MUX_RATIO, 0, 1, 0x7F, // 1/128 duty
+ SH1107_DISPLAY_OFFSET, 0, 1, 0x00,
+ SH1107_SET_START_LINE, 0, 1, 0x00, // Different from SH1106
+ SH1107_COM_SCAN_DIR_DEC, 0, 0,
+ SH1107_COM_PADS_HW_CFG, 0, 1, 0x12,
+ SH1107_SET_CONTRAST, 0, 1, 0x7F,
+ SH1107_ALL_ON_RESUME, 0, 0,
+ SH1107_SET_OSC_DIVFREQ, 0, 1, 0x80,
+ SH1107_SET_CHARGE_PUMP, 0, 1, 0x14,
+ SH1107_DISPLAY_ON, 0, 0,
+ };
+ // clang-format on
+ // If the display width is anything other than the default 128 pixels, change SH1107_SET_MUX_RATIO data byte to the correct value.
+ if (driver->oled.base.panel_width != 128) {
+ sh1107_init_sequence[3] = driver->oled.base.panel_width - 1;
+ }
+ // If the display width is less than the default 128 pixels, change SH1107_DISPLAY_OFFSET to use the center columns.
+ if (driver->oled.base.panel_width < 128) {
+ sh1107_init_sequence[7] = (128U - driver->oled.base.panel_width) / 2;
+ }
+ // For smaller displays, change SH1107_COM_PADS_HW_CFG data byte from alternative (0x12) to sequential (0x02) configuration
+ if (driver->oled.base.panel_height <= 64) {
+ sh1107_init_sequence[20] = 0x02;
+ }
+ qp_comms_bulk_command_sequence(device, sh1107_init_sequence, sizeof(sh1107_init_sequence));
+ return true;
+// Screen flush
+bool qp_sh1107_flush(painter_device_t device) {
+ sh1107_device_t *driver = (sh1107_device_t *)device;
+ if (!driver->oled.surface.dirty.is_dirty) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ switch (driver->oled.base.rotation) {
+ default:
+ case QP_ROTATION_0:
+ qp_oled_panel_page_column_flush_rot0(device, &driver->oled.surface.dirty, driver->framebuffer);
+ break;
+ case QP_ROTATION_90:
+ qp_oled_panel_page_column_flush_rot90(device, &driver->oled.surface.dirty, driver->framebuffer);
+ break;
+ case QP_ROTATION_180:
+ qp_oled_panel_page_column_flush_rot180(device, &driver->oled.surface.dirty, driver->framebuffer);
+ break;
+ case QP_ROTATION_270:
+ qp_oled_panel_page_column_flush_rot270(device, &driver->oled.surface.dirty, driver->framebuffer);
+ break;
+ }
+ // Clear the dirty area
+ qp_flush(&driver->oled.surface);
+ return true;
+// Driver vtable
+const oled_panel_painter_driver_vtable_t sh1107_driver_vtable = {
+ .base =
+ {
+ .init = qp_sh1107_init,
+ .power = qp_oled_panel_power,
+ .clear = qp_oled_panel_clear,
+ .flush = qp_sh1107_flush,
+ .pixdata = qp_oled_panel_passthru_pixdata,
+ .viewport = qp_oled_panel_passthru_viewport,
+ .palette_convert = qp_oled_panel_passthru_palette_convert,
+ .append_pixels = qp_oled_panel_passthru_append_pixels,
+ .append_pixdata = qp_oled_panel_passthru_append_pixdata,
+ },
+ .opcodes =
+ {
+ .display_on = SH1107_DISPLAY_ON,
+ .display_off = SH1107_DISPLAY_OFF,
+ .set_page = SH1107_PAGE_ADDR,
+ .set_column_lsb = SH1107_SETCOLUMN_LSB,
+ .set_column_msb = SH1107_SETCOLUMN_MSB,
+ },
+// Factory function for creating a handle to the SH1107 device
+painter_device_t qp_sh1107_make_spi_device(uint16_t panel_width, uint16_t panel_height, pin_t chip_select_pin, pin_t dc_pin, pin_t reset_pin, uint16_t spi_divisor, int spi_mode) {
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < SH1107_NUM_DEVICES; ++i) {
+ sh1107_device_t *driver = &sh1107_drivers[i];
+ if (!driver->oled.base.driver_vtable) {
+ painter_device_t surface = qp_make_mono1bpp_surface_advanced(&driver->oled.surface, 1, panel_width, panel_height, driver->framebuffer);
+ if (!surface) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ // Setup the OLED device
+ driver->oled.base.driver_vtable = (const painter_driver_vtable_t *)&sh1107_driver_vtable;
+ driver->oled.base.comms_vtable = (const painter_comms_vtable_t *)&spi_comms_with_dc_vtable;
+ driver->oled.base.native_bits_per_pixel = 1; // 1bpp mono
+ driver->oled.base.panel_width = panel_width;
+ driver->oled.base.panel_height = panel_height;
+ driver->oled.base.rotation = QP_ROTATION_0;
+ driver->oled.base.offset_x = 0;
+ driver->oled.base.offset_y = 0;
+ // SPI and other pin configuration
+ driver->oled.base.comms_config = &driver->oled.spi_dc_reset_config;
+ driver->oled.spi_dc_reset_config.spi_config.chip_select_pin = chip_select_pin;
+ driver->oled.spi_dc_reset_config.spi_config.divisor = spi_divisor;
+ driver->oled.spi_dc_reset_config.spi_config.lsb_first = false;
+ driver->oled.spi_dc_reset_config.spi_config.mode = spi_mode;
+ driver->oled.spi_dc_reset_config.dc_pin = dc_pin;
+ driver->oled.spi_dc_reset_config.reset_pin = reset_pin;
+ driver->oled.spi_dc_reset_config.command_params_uses_command_pin = true;
+ if (!qp_internal_register_device((painter_device_t)driver)) {
+ memset(driver, 0, sizeof(sh1107_device_t));
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ return (painter_device_t)driver;
+ }
+ }
+ return NULL;
+// Factory function for creating a handle to the SH1107 device
+painter_device_t qp_sh1107_make_i2c_device(uint16_t panel_width, uint16_t panel_height, uint8_t i2c_address) {
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < SH1107_NUM_DEVICES; ++i) {
+ sh1107_device_t *driver = &sh1107_drivers[i];
+ if (!driver->oled.base.driver_vtable) {
+ // Instantiate the surface
+ painter_device_t surface = qp_make_mono1bpp_surface_advanced(&driver->oled.surface, 1, panel_width, panel_height, driver->framebuffer);
+ if (!surface) {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ // Setup the OLED device
+ driver->oled.base.driver_vtable = (const painter_driver_vtable_t *)&sh1107_driver_vtable;
+ driver->oled.base.comms_vtable = (const painter_comms_vtable_t *)&i2c_comms_cmddata_vtable;
+ driver->oled.base.native_bits_per_pixel = 1; // 1bpp mono
+ driver->oled.base.panel_width = panel_width;
+ driver->oled.base.panel_height = panel_height;
+ driver->oled.base.rotation = QP_ROTATION_0;
+ driver->oled.base.offset_x = 0;
+ driver->oled.base.offset_y = 0;
+ // I2C configuration
+ driver->oled.base.comms_config = &driver->oled.i2c_config;
+ driver->oled.i2c_config.chip_address = i2c_address;
+ if (!qp_internal_register_device((painter_device_t)driver)) {
+ memset(driver, 0, sizeof(sh1107_device_t));
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ return (painter_device_t)driver;
+ }
+ }
+ return NULL;
diff --git a/drivers/painter/sh1107/qp_sh1107.h b/drivers/painter/sh1107/qp_sh1107.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2b866d7dc8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/drivers/painter/sh1107/qp_sh1107.h
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+#pragma once
+#include "gpio.h"
+#include "qp_internal.h"
+// Quantum Painter SH1107 configurables (add to your keyboard's config.h)
+#if defined(QUANTUM_PAINTER_SH1107_SPI_ENABLE) && !defined(SH1107_NUM_SPI_DEVICES)
+ * @def This controls the maximum number of SPI SH1107 devices that Quantum Painter can communicate with at any one time.
+ * Increasing this number allows for multiple displays to be used.
+ */
+# define SH1107_NUM_SPI_DEVICES 1
+# define SH1107_NUM_SPI_DEVICES 0
+#if defined(QUANTUM_PAINTER_SH1107_I2C_ENABLE) && !defined(SH1107_NUM_I2C_DEVICES)
+ * @def This controls the maximum number of I2C SH1107 devices that Quantum Painter can communicate with at any one time.
+ * Increasing this number allows for multiple displays to be used.
+ */
+# define SH1107_NUM_I2C_DEVICES 1
+# define SH1107_NUM_I2C_DEVICES 0
+// Quantum Painter SH1107 device factories
+ * Factory method for an SH1107 SPI LCD device.
+ *
+ * @param panel_width[in] the width of the display in pixels (usually 64)
+ * @param panel_height[in] the height of the display in pixels (usually 128)
+ * @param chip_select_pin[in] the GPIO pin used for SPI chip select
+ * @param dc_pin[in] the GPIO pin used for D/C control
+ * @param reset_pin[in] the GPIO pin used for RST
+ * @param spi_divisor[in] the SPI divisor to use when communicating with the display
+ * @param spi_mode[in] the SPI mode to use when communicating with the display
+ * @return the device handle used with all drawing routines in Quantum Painter
+ */
+painter_device_t qp_sh1107_make_spi_device(uint16_t panel_width, uint16_t panel_height, pin_t chip_select_pin, pin_t dc_pin, pin_t reset_pin, uint16_t spi_divisor, int spi_mode);
+ * Factory method for an SH1107 I2C LCD device.
+ *
+ * @param panel_width[in] the width of the display in pixels (usually 64)
+ * @param panel_height[in] the height of the display in pixels (usually 128)
+ * @param i2c_address[in] the I2C address to use
+ * @return the device handle used with all drawing routines in Quantum Painter
+ */
+painter_device_t qp_sh1107_make_i2c_device(uint16_t panel_width, uint16_t panel_height, uint8_t i2c_address);
diff --git a/drivers/painter/sh1107/qp_sh1107_opcodes.h b/drivers/painter/sh1107/qp_sh1107_opcodes.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..818bf40928
--- /dev/null
+++ b/drivers/painter/sh1107/qp_sh1107_opcodes.h
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+// Copyright 2024 Steve Branam (@smbranam)
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
+#pragma once
+#define SH1107_DISPLAY_ON 0xAF
+#define SH1107_DISPLAY_OFF 0xAE
+#define SH1107_SET_OSC_DIVFREQ 0xD5
+#define SH1107_SET_MUX_RATIO 0xA8
+#define SH1107_DISPLAY_OFFSET 0xD3
+#define SH1107_SET_START_LINE 0xDC // Key/sole difference from SH1106 (which uses 0x40)
+#define SH1107_SET_CHARGE_PUMP 0x8D
+#define SH1107_SET_SEGMENT_REMAP_INV 0xA1
+#define SH1107_COM_SCAN_DIR_INC 0xC0
+#define SH1107_COM_SCAN_DIR_DEC 0xC8
+#define SH1107_COM_PADS_HW_CFG 0xDA
+#define SH1107_SET_CONTRAST 0x81
+#define SH1107_ALL_ON_RESUME 0xA4
+#define SH1107_DEACTIVATE_SCROLL 0x2E
+#define SH1107_SETCOLUMN_LSB 0x00
+#define SH1107_SETCOLUMN_MSB 0x10
+#define SH1107_PAGE_ADDR 0xB0