path: root/LUFA/Drivers/USB/Class/Common/MIDI.h
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1 files changed, 120 insertions, 17 deletions
diff --git a/LUFA/Drivers/USB/Class/Common/MIDI.h b/LUFA/Drivers/USB/Class/Common/MIDI.h
index 688ef09b32..0c6223b5b6 100644
--- a/LUFA/Drivers/USB/Class/Common/MIDI.h
+++ b/LUFA/Drivers/USB/Class/Common/MIDI.h
@@ -99,43 +99,95 @@
#define MIDI_CHANNEL(channel) ((channel) - 1)
/* Type Defines: */
- /** \brief MIDI class-specific Streaming Interface Descriptor.
+ /** \brief MIDI class-specific Streaming Interface Descriptor (LUFA naming conventions).
* Type define for an Audio class-specific MIDI streaming interface descriptor. This indicates to the host
* how MIDI the specification compliance of the device and the total length of the Audio class-specific descriptors.
* See the USB Audio specification for more details.
+ *
+ * \see \ref USB_MIDI_StdDescriptor_AudioInterface_AS_t for the version of this type with standard element names.
typedef struct
- USB_Descriptor_Header_t Header; /**< Regular descriptor header containing the descriptor's type and length. */
- uint8_t Subtype; /**< Sub type value used to distinguish between audio class-specific descriptors. */
+ USB_Descriptor_Header_t Header; /**< Regular descriptor header containing the descriptor's type and length. */
+ uint8_t Subtype; /**< Sub type value used to distinguish between audio class-specific descriptors. */
- uint16_t AudioSpecification; /**< Binary coded decimal value, indicating the supported Audio Class
+ uint16_t AudioSpecification; /**< Binary coded decimal value, indicating the supported Audio Class
* specification version.
- uint16_t TotalLength; /**< Total length of the Audio class-specific descriptors, including this descriptor. */
- } USB_MIDI_AudioInterface_AS_t;
+ uint16_t TotalLength; /**< Total length of the Audio class-specific descriptors, including this descriptor. */
+ } USB_MIDI_Descriptor_AudioInterface_AS_t;
- /** \brief MIDI class-specific Input Jack Descriptor.
+ /** \brief MIDI class-specific Streaming Interface Descriptor (USB-IF naming conventions).
+ *
+ * Type define for an Audio class-specific MIDI streaming interface descriptor. This indicates to the host
+ * how MIDI the specification compliance of the device and the total length of the Audio class-specific descriptors.
+ * See the USB Audio specification for more details.
+ *
+ * \see \ref USB_MIDI_Descriptor_AudioInterface_AS_t for the version of this type with non-standard LUFA specific
+ * element names.
+ */
+ typedef struct
+ {
+ uint8_t bLength; /**< Size of the descriptor, in bytes. */
+ uint8_t bDescriptorType; /**< Type of the descriptor, either a value in \ref USB_DescriptorTypes_t or a value
+ * given by the specific class.
+ */
+ uint8_t bDescriptorSubtype; /**< Sub type value used to distinguish between audio class-specific descriptors. */
+ uint16_t bcdMSC; /**< Binary coded decimal value, indicating the supported MIDI Class specification version. */
+ uint16_t wTotalLength; /**< Total length of the Audio class-specific descriptors, including this descriptor. */
+ } USB_MIDI_StdDescriptor_AudioInterface_AS_t;
+ /** \brief MIDI class-specific Input Jack Descriptor (LUFA naming conventions).
* Type define for an Audio class-specific MIDI IN jack. This gives information to the host on a MIDI input, either
* a physical input jack, or a logical jack (receiving input data internally, or from the host via an endpoint).
+ *
+ * \see \ref USB_MIDI_StdDescriptor_InputJack_t for the version of this type with standard element names.
typedef struct
- USB_Descriptor_Header_t Header; /**< Regular descriptor header containing the descriptor's type and length. */
- uint8_t Subtype; /**< Sub type value used to distinguish between audio class-specific descriptors. */
+ USB_Descriptor_Header_t Header; /**< Regular descriptor header containing the descriptor's type and length. */
+ uint8_t Subtype; /**< Sub type value used to distinguish between audio class-specific descriptors. */
- uint8_t JackType; /**< Type of jack, one of the JACKTYPE_* mask values. */
- uint8_t JackID; /**< ID value of this jack - must be a unique value within the device. */
+ uint8_t JackType; /**< Type of jack, one of the JACKTYPE_* mask values. */
+ uint8_t JackID; /**< ID value of this jack - must be a unique value within the device. */
- uint8_t JackStrIndex; /**< Index of a string descriptor describing this descriptor within the device. */
- } USB_MIDI_In_Jack_t;
+ uint8_t JackStrIndex; /**< Index of a string descriptor describing this descriptor within the device. */
+ } USB_MIDI_Descriptor_InputJack_t;
- /** \brief MIDI class-specific Output Jack Descriptor.
+ /** \brief MIDI class-specific Input Jack Descriptor (USB-IF naming conventions).
+ *
+ * Type define for an Audio class-specific MIDI IN jack. This gives information to the host on a MIDI input, either
+ * a physical input jack, or a logical jack (receiving input data internally, or from the host via an endpoint).
+ *
+ * \see \ref USB_MIDI_Descriptor_InputJack_t for the version of this type with non-standard LUFA specific
+ * element names.
+ */
+ typedef struct
+ {
+ uint8_t bLength; /**< Size of the descriptor, in bytes. */
+ uint8_t bDescriptorType; /**< Type of the descriptor, either a value in \ref USB_DescriptorTypes_t or a value
+ * given by the specific class.
+ */
+ uint8_t bDescriptorSubtype; /**< Sub type value used to distinguish between audio class-specific descriptors. */
+ uint8_t bJackType; /**< Type of jack, one of the JACKTYPE_* mask values. */
+ uint8_t bJackID; /**< ID value of this jack - must be a unique value within the device. */
+ uint8_t iJack; /**< Index of a string descriptor describing this descriptor within the device. */
+ } USB_MIDI_StdDescriptor_InputJack_t;
+ /** \brief MIDI class-specific Output Jack Descriptor (LUFA naming conventions).
* Type define for an Audio class-specific MIDI OUT jack. This gives information to the host on a MIDI output, either
* a physical output jack, or a logical jack (sending output data internally, or to the host via an endpoint).
+ *
+ * \see \ref USB_MIDI_StdDescriptor_OutputJack_t for the version of this type with standard element names.
typedef struct
@@ -150,13 +202,42 @@
uint8_t SourcePinID[1]; /**< Pin number in the input jack of each output pin's source data. */
uint8_t JackStrIndex; /**< Index of a string descriptor describing this descriptor within the device. */
- } USB_MIDI_Out_Jack_t;
+ } USB_MIDI_Descriptor_OutputJack_t;
- /** \brief Audio class-specific Jack Endpoint Descriptor.
+ /** \brief MIDI class-specific Output Jack Descriptor (USB-IF naming conventions).
+ *
+ * Type define for an Audio class-specific MIDI OUT jack. This gives information to the host on a MIDI output, either
+ * a physical output jack, or a logical jack (sending output data internally, or to the host via an endpoint).
+ *
+ * \see \ref USB_MIDI_Descriptor_OutputJack_t for the version of this type with non-standard LUFA specific
+ * element names.
+ */
+ typedef struct
+ {
+ uint8_t bLength; /**< Size of the descriptor, in bytes. */
+ uint8_t bDescriptorType; /**< Type of the descriptor, either a value in \ref USB_DescriptorTypes_t or a value
+ * given by the specific class.
+ */
+ uint8_t bDescriptorSubtype; /**< Sub type value used to distinguish between audio class-specific descriptors. */
+ uint8_t bJackType; /**< Type of jack, one of the JACKTYPE_* mask values. */
+ uint8_t bJackID; /**< ID value of this jack - must be a unique value within the device. */
+ uint8_t bNrInputPins; /**< Number of output channels within the jack, either physical or logical. */
+ uint8_t baSourceID[1]; /**< ID of each output pin's source data jack. */
+ uint8_t baSourcePin[1]; /**< Pin number in the input jack of each output pin's source data. */
+ uint8_t iJack; /**< Index of a string descriptor describing this descriptor within the device. */
+ } USB_MIDI_StdDescriptor_OutputJack_t;
+ /** \brief Audio class-specific Jack Endpoint Descriptor (LUFA naming conventions).
* Type define for an Audio class-specific extended MIDI jack endpoint descriptor. This contains extra information
* on the usage of MIDI endpoints used to stream MIDI events in and out of the USB Audio device, and follows an Audio
* class-specific extended MIDI endpoint descriptor. See the USB Audio specification for more details.
+ *
+ * \see \ref USB_MIDI_StdDescriptor_Jack_Endpoint_t for the version of this type with standard element names.
typedef struct
@@ -165,7 +246,29 @@
uint8_t TotalEmbeddedJacks; /**< Total number of jacks inside this endpoint. */
uint8_t AssociatedJackID[1]; /**< IDs of each jack inside the endpoint. */
- } USB_MIDI_Jack_Endpoint_t;
+ } USB_MIDI_Descriptor_Jack_Endpoint_t;
+ /** \brief Audio class-specific Jack Endpoint Descriptor (USB-IF naming conventions).
+ *
+ * Type define for an Audio class-specific extended MIDI jack endpoint descriptor. This contains extra information
+ * on the usage of MIDI endpoints used to stream MIDI events in and out of the USB Audio device, and follows an Audio
+ * class-specific extended MIDI endpoint descriptor. See the USB Audio specification for more details.
+ *
+ * \see \ref USB_MIDI_Descriptor_Jack_Endpoint_t for the version of this type with non-standard LUFA specific
+ * element names.
+ */
+ typedef struct
+ {
+ uint8_t bLength; /**< Size of the descriptor, in bytes. */
+ uint8_t bDescriptorType; /**< Type of the descriptor, either a value in \ref USB_DescriptorTypes_t or a value
+ * given by the specific class.
+ */
+ uint8_t bDescriptorSubtype; /**< Sub type value used to distinguish between audio class-specific descriptors. */
+ uint8_t bNumEmbMIDIJack; /**< Total number of jacks inside this endpoint. */
+ uint8_t bAssocJackID[1]; /**< IDs of each jack inside the endpoint. */
+ } USB_MIDI_StdDescriptor_Jack_Endpoint_t;
/** \brief MIDI Class Driver Event Packet.