path: root/docs/internals/midi_util.md
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-# group `midi_util` {#group__midi__util}
-## Summary
- Members | Descriptions
-`enum `[`midi_packet_length_t`](#group__midi__util_1gae29ff56aee2b430ffe53933b97e5e79e) | An enumeration of the possible packet length values.
-`public bool `[`midi_is_statusbyte`](#group__midi__util_1ga12e3b42ff9cbb4b4f2bc455fc8743ee5)`(uint8_t theByte)` | Test to see if the byte given is a status byte.
-`public bool `[`midi_is_realtime`](#group__midi__util_1gad2f52c363e34a8000d80c983c324e2d7)`(uint8_t theByte)` | Test to see if the byte given is a realtime message.
-`public `[`midi_packet_length_t`](#group__midi__util_1gae29ff56aee2b430ffe53933b97e5e79e)` `[`midi_packet_length`](#group__midi__util_1gaa168b43af6ae9de0debce1625e4b8175)`(uint8_t status)` | Find the length of the packet associated with the status byte given.
-## Members
-#### `enum `[`midi_packet_length_t`](#group__midi__util_1gae29ff56aee2b430ffe53933b97e5e79e) {#group__midi__util_1gae29ff56aee2b430ffe53933b97e5e79e}
- Values | Descriptions
-ONE |
-TWO |
-An enumeration of the possible packet length values.
-#### `public bool `[`midi_is_statusbyte`](#group__midi__util_1ga12e3b42ff9cbb4b4f2bc455fc8743ee5)`(uint8_t theByte)` {#group__midi__util_1ga12e3b42ff9cbb4b4f2bc455fc8743ee5}
-Test to see if the byte given is a status byte.
-#### Parameters
-* `theByte` the byte to test
-#### Returns
-true if the byte given is a midi status byte
-#### `public bool `[`midi_is_realtime`](#group__midi__util_1gad2f52c363e34a8000d80c983c324e2d7)`(uint8_t theByte)` {#group__midi__util_1gad2f52c363e34a8000d80c983c324e2d7}
-Test to see if the byte given is a realtime message.
-#### Parameters
-* `theByte` the byte to test
-#### Returns
-true if it is a realtime message, false otherwise
-#### `public `[`midi_packet_length_t`](#group__midi__util_1gae29ff56aee2b430ffe53933b97e5e79e)` `[`midi_packet_length`](#group__midi__util_1gaa168b43af6ae9de0debce1625e4b8175)`(uint8_t status)` {#group__midi__util_1gaa168b43af6ae9de0debce1625e4b8175}
-Find the length of the packet associated with the status byte given.
-#### Parameters
-* `status` the status byte
-#### Returns
-the length of the packet, will return UNDEFINED if the byte is not a status byte or if it is a sysex status byte