diff options
3 files changed, 841 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/jack/config.h b/jack/config.h
index 0c34ee0..e1e631a 100644
--- a/jack/config.h
+++ b/jack/config.h
@@ -50,4 +50,6 @@
diff --git a/jack/rgb_matrix_user.inc b/jack/rgb_matrix_user.inc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2ff9e95
--- /dev/null
+++ b/jack/rgb_matrix_user.inc
@@ -0,0 +1,835 @@
+// Copyright 2025 Google LLC
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+// PaletteFx function definitions
+/** Gets the selected palette. */
+static const uint16_t *palettefx_get_palette_data(void);
+ * @brief Computes the interpolated HSV palette color at 0 <= x < 256.
+ *
+ * Looks up and linearly interpolates `palette` at 0 <= x < 256. The color
+ * saturation and value are scaled according to rgb_matrix_config.
+ *
+ * @note `palette` must point to a PROGMEM address.
+ *
+ * @param palette Pointer to PROGMEM of a size-16 table of HSV16 colors.
+ * @param x Palette lookup position, a value in 0-255.
+ * @return HSV color.
+ */
+static hsv_t palettefx_interp_color(const uint16_t *palette, uint8_t x);
+/** Gets the color data for the selected palette. */
+static const uint16_t *palettefx_get_palette_data(void);
+ * @brief Compute a scaled 16-bit time that wraps smoothly.
+ *
+ * Computes `timer` scaled by `scale`, returning the result as a uint16.
+ * Generally, the scaled time would have a discontinuity every ~65 seconds when
+ * `timer` wraps 16-bit range. This is corrected for to wrap smoothly mod 2^16.
+ *
+ * @param timer A 32-bit timer.
+ * @param scale Scale value in 0-255.
+ * @return Scaled time.
+ */
+inline static uint16_t palettefx_scaled_time(uint32_t timer, uint8_t scale);
+// PaletteFx effects
+// "Gradient" static effect. This is essentially a palette-colored version of
+// RGB_MATRIX_GRADIENT_UP_DOWN. A vertically-sloping gradient is made, with the
+// highest color on the top keys of keyboard and the lowest color at the bottom.
+static bool PALETTEFX_GRADIENT(effect_params_t *params) {
+ // On first call, compute and cache the slope of the gradient.
+ static uint8_t gradient_slope = 0;
+ if (!gradient_slope) {
+ uint8_t y_max = 64; // To avoid overflow below, x_max must be at least 64.
+ for (uint8_t i = 0; i < RGB_MATRIX_LED_COUNT; ++i) {
+ if (g_led_config.point[i].y > y_max) {
+ y_max = g_led_config.point[i].y;
+ }
+ }
+ // Compute the quotient `255 / y_max` with 6 fractional bits and rounding.
+ gradient_slope = (64 * 255 + y_max / 2) / y_max;
+ }
+ RGB_MATRIX_USE_LIMITS(led_min, led_max);
+ const uint16_t *palette = palettefx_get_palette_data();
+ for (uint8_t i = led_min; i < led_max; ++i) {
+ const uint8_t y = g_led_config.point[i].y;
+ const uint8_t value = 255 - (((uint16_t)y * (uint16_t)gradient_slope) >> 6);
+ rgb_t rgb = rgb_matrix_hsv_to_rgb(palettefx_interp_color(palette, value));
+ rgb_matrix_set_color(i, rgb.r, rgb.g, rgb.b);
+ }
+ return rgb_matrix_check_finished_leds(led_max);
+// "Flow" animated effect. Draws moving wave patterns mimicking the appearance
+// of flowing liquid. For interesting variety of patterns, space coordinates are
+// slowly rotated and a function of several sine waves is evaluated.
+static bool PALETTEFX_FLOW(effect_params_t *params) {
+ RGB_MATRIX_USE_LIMITS(led_min, led_max);
+ const uint16_t *palette = palettefx_get_palette_data();
+ const uint16_t time =
+ palettefx_scaled_time(g_rgb_timer, 1 + rgb_matrix_config.speed / 8);
+ // Compute rotation coefficients with 7 fractional bits.
+ const int8_t rot_c = cos8(time / 4) - 128;
+ const int8_t rot_s = sin8(time / 4) - 128;
+ const uint8_t omega = 32 + sin8(time) / 4;
+ for (uint8_t i = led_min; i < led_max; ++i) {
+ const uint8_t x = g_led_config.point[i].x;
+ const uint8_t y = g_led_config.point[i].y;
+ // Rotate (x, y) by the 2x2 rotation matrix described by rot_c, rot_s.
+ const uint8_t x1 = (uint8_t)((((int16_t)rot_c) * ((int16_t)x)) / 128) -
+ (uint8_t)((((int16_t)rot_s) * ((int16_t)y)) / 128);
+ const uint8_t y1 = (uint8_t)((((int16_t)rot_s) * ((int16_t)x)) / 128) +
+ (uint8_t)((((int16_t)rot_c) * ((int16_t)y)) / 128);
+ uint8_t value = scale8(sin8(x1 - 2 * time), omega) + y1 + time / 4;
+ // Evaluate `sawtooth(value)`.
+ value = 2 * ((value <= 127) ? value : (255 - value));
+ rgb_t rgb = rgb_matrix_hsv_to_rgb(palettefx_interp_color(palette, value));
+ rgb_matrix_set_color(i, rgb.r, rgb.g, rgb.b);
+ }
+ return rgb_matrix_check_finished_leds(led_max);
+// "Ripple" animated effect. Draws circular rings emanating from random points,
+// simulating water drops falling in a quiet pool.
+static bool PALETTEFX_RIPPLE(effect_params_t *params) {
+ RGB_MATRIX_USE_LIMITS(led_min, led_max);
+ const uint16_t *palette = palettefx_get_palette_data();
+ // Each instance of this struct represents one water drop. For efficiency, at
+ // most 3 drops are active at any time.
+ static struct {
+ uint16_t time;
+ uint8_t x;
+ uint8_t y;
+ uint8_t amplitude;
+ uint8_t scale;
+ uint8_t phase;
+ } drops[3];
+ static uint32_t drop_timer = 0;
+ static uint8_t drops_tail = 0;
+ if (params->iter == 0) {
+ if (params->init) {
+ for (uint8_t j = 0; j < 3; ++j) {
+ drops[j].amplitude = 0;
+ }
+ drop_timer = g_rgb_timer;
+ }
+ if (drops[drops_tail].amplitude == 0 &&
+ timer_expired32(g_rgb_timer, drop_timer)) {
+ // Spawn a new drop, located at a random LED.
+ const uint8_t i = random8_max(RGB_MATRIX_LED_COUNT);
+ drops[drops_tail].time = (uint16_t)g_rgb_timer;
+ drops[drops_tail].x = g_led_config.point[i].x;
+ drops[drops_tail].y = g_led_config.point[i].y;
+ drops[drops_tail].amplitude = 1;
+ ++drops_tail;
+ if (drops_tail == 3) {
+ drops_tail = 0;
+ }
+ drop_timer = g_rgb_timer + 1000;
+ }
+ uint8_t amplitude(uint8_t t) { // Drop amplitude as a function of time.
+ if (t <= 55) {
+ return (t < 32) ? (3 + 5 * t) : 192;
+ } else {
+ t = (((uint16_t)(255 - t)) * UINT16_C(123)) >> 7;
+ return scale8(t, t);
+ }
+ }
+ for (uint8_t j = 0; j < 3; ++j) {
+ if (drops[j].amplitude == 0) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ const uint16_t tick = scale16by8(g_rgb_timer - drops[j].time,
+ 1 + rgb_matrix_config.speed / 4);
+ if (tick < 4 * 255) {
+ const uint8_t t = (uint8_t)(tick / 4);
+ drops[j].amplitude = amplitude(t);
+ drops[j].scale = 255 / (1 + t / 2);
+ drops[j].phase = (uint8_t)tick;
+ } else {
+ drops[j].amplitude = 0; // Animation for this drop is complete.
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for (uint8_t i = led_min; i < led_max; ++i) {
+ int16_t value = 128;
+ for (uint8_t j = 0; j < 3; ++j) {
+ if (drops[j].amplitude == 0) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ const uint8_t x = abs8((g_led_config.point[i].x - drops[j].x) / 2);
+ const uint8_t y = abs8((g_led_config.point[i].y - drops[j].y) / 2);
+ const uint8_t r = sqrt16(x * x + y * y);
+ const uint16_t r_scaled = (uint16_t)r * (uint16_t)drops[j].scale;
+ if (r_scaled < 255) {
+ // The drop is made from a radial sine wave modulated by a smooth bump
+ // to localize its spatial extent.
+ const uint8_t bump = scale8(ease8InOutApprox(255 - (uint8_t)r_scaled),
+ drops[j].amplitude);
+ const int8_t wave = (int16_t)cos8(8 * r - drops[j].phase) - 128;
+ value += ((int16_t)wave * (int16_t)bump) / 128;
+ }
+ }
+ // Clip `value` to 0-255 range.
+ if (value < 0) {
+ value = 0;
+ }
+ if (value > 255) {
+ value = 255;
+ }
+ rgb_t rgb =
+ rgb_matrix_hsv_to_rgb(palettefx_interp_color(palette, (uint8_t)value));
+ rgb_matrix_set_color(i, rgb.r, rgb.g, rgb.b);
+ }
+ return rgb_matrix_check_finished_leds(led_max);
+// "Sparkle" effect. Each LED is animated by a sine wave with pseudorandom
+// phase, so that the matrix "sparkles." All the LED sines are modulated by a
+// global amplitude factor, which varies by a slower sine wave, so that the
+// matrix as a whole periodically brightens and dims.
+static bool PALETTEFX_SPARKLE(effect_params_t *params) {
+ RGB_MATRIX_USE_LIMITS(led_min, led_max);
+ const uint16_t *palette = palettefx_get_palette_data();
+ const uint8_t time =
+ palettefx_scaled_time(g_rgb_timer, 1 + rgb_matrix_config.speed / 8);
+ const uint8_t amplitude = 128 + sin8(time) / 2;
+ uint16_t rand_state = 1 + params->iter;
+ for (uint8_t i = led_min; i < led_max; ++i) {
+ // Multiplicative congruential generator for a random phase for each LED.
+ rand_state *= UINT16_C(36563);
+ const uint8_t phase = (uint8_t)(rand_state >> 8);
+ const uint8_t value = scale8(sin8(2 * time + phase), amplitude);
+ rgb_t rgb = rgb_matrix_hsv_to_rgb(palettefx_interp_color(palette, value));
+ rgb_matrix_set_color(i, rgb.r, rgb.g, rgb.b);
+ }
+ return rgb_matrix_check_finished_leds(led_max);
+// "Vortex" animated effect. LEDs are animated according to a polar function
+// with the appearance of a spinning vortex centered on k_rgb_matrix_center.
+static bool PALETTEFX_VORTEX(effect_params_t *params) {
+ RGB_MATRIX_USE_LIMITS(led_min, led_max);
+ const uint16_t *palette = palettefx_get_palette_data();
+ const uint16_t time =
+ palettefx_scaled_time(g_rgb_timer, 1 + rgb_matrix_config.speed / 4);
+ for (uint8_t i = led_min; i < led_max; ++i) {
+ const int16_t x = g_led_config.point[i].x - k_rgb_matrix_center.x;
+ const int16_t y = g_led_config.point[i].y - k_rgb_matrix_center.y;
+ uint8_t value = sin8(atan2_8(y, x) + time - sqrt16(x * x + y * y) / 2);
+ rgb_t rgb = rgb_matrix_hsv_to_rgb(palettefx_interp_color(palette, value));
+ rgb_matrix_set_color(i, rgb.r, rgb.g, rgb.b);
+ }
+ return rgb_matrix_check_finished_leds(led_max);
+// Reactive animated effect. This effect is "reactive," it responds to key
+// presses. For each key press, LEDs near the key change momentarily.
+static bool PALETTEFX_REACTIVE(effect_params_t *params) {
+ RGB_MATRIX_USE_LIMITS(led_min, led_max);
+ const uint16_t *palette = palettefx_get_palette_data();
+ const uint8_t count = g_last_hit_tracker.count;
+ uint8_t amplitude(uint8_t t) { // Bump amplitude as a function of time.
+ if (t <= 55) {
+ return (t < 32) ? (4 + 8 * t) : 255;
+ } else {
+ t = (((uint16_t)(255 - t)) * UINT16_C(164)) >> 7;
+ return scale8(t, t);
+ }
+ }
+ uint8_t hit_amplitude[LED_HITS_TO_REMEMBER] = {0};
+ for (uint8_t j = 0; j < count; ++j) {
+ const uint16_t tick =
+ scale16by8(g_last_hit_tracker.tick[j], 1 + rgb_matrix_config.speed / 4);
+ if (tick <= 255) {
+ hit_amplitude[j] = amplitude((uint8_t)tick);
+ }
+ }
+ for (uint8_t i = led_min; i < led_max; ++i) {
+ uint8_t value = 0;
+ for (uint8_t j = 0; j < count; ++j) {
+ if (hit_amplitude[j] == 0) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ uint8_t dx =
+ abs8((g_led_config.point[i].x - g_last_hit_tracker.x[j]) / 2);
+ uint8_t dy =
+ abs8((g_led_config.point[i].y - g_last_hit_tracker.y[j]) / 2);
+ if (dx < 21 && dy < 21) {
+ const uint16_t dist_sqr = dx * dx + dy * dy;
+ if (dist_sqr < 21 * 21) { // Accumulate a radial bump for each hit.
+ const uint8_t dist = sqrt16(dist_sqr);
+ value = qadd8(value, scale8(255 - 12 * dist, hit_amplitude[j]));
+ // Early loop exit where the value has saturated.
+ if (value == 255) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ hsv_t hsv = palettefx_interp_color(palette, value);
+ if (value < 32) { // Make the background dark regardless of palette.
+ hsv.v = scale8(hsv.v, 64 + 6 * value);
+ }
+ const rgb_t rgb = rgb_matrix_hsv_to_rgb(hsv);
+ rgb_matrix_set_color(i, rgb.r, rgb.g, rgb.b);
+ }
+ return rgb_matrix_check_finished_leds(led_max);
+// PaletteFx implementation
+ * @brief 16-bit HSV color.
+ *
+ * Represents a color with a 16-bit value in hue-saturation-value (HSV) space.
+ * Components are packed as:
+ *
+ * - Hue: lowest 8 bits.
+ * - Saturation: middle 4 bits.
+ * - Value: highest 4 bits.
+ */
+#define HSV16(h, s, v) ((((v) >> 4) << 12) | (((s) >> 4) << 8) | ((h) & 0xff))
+/** Unpacks 16-bit HSV color to hsv_t. */
+static hsv_t unpack_hsv16(uint16_t hsv16) {
+ return (hsv_t){
+ .h = (uint8_t)hsv16,
+ .s = ((uint8_t)(hsv16 >> 8) & 0x0f) * 17,
+ .v = ((uint8_t)(hsv16 >> 12) & 0x0f) * 17,
+ };
+/** PaletteFx palette color data. */
+static const uint16_t palettefx_palettes[][16] PROGMEM = {
+ // "Afterburn" palette.
+ {
+ HSV16(139, 255, 85),
+ HSV16(134, 255, 85),
+ HSV16(131, 255, 102),
+ HSV16(128, 255, 102),
+ HSV16(127, 187, 102),
+ HSV16(125, 119, 102),
+ HSV16(124, 51, 102),
+ HSV16(125, 0, 119),
+ HSV16(15, 17, 119),
+ HSV16(17, 51, 153),
+ HSV16(18, 102, 170),
+ HSV16(19, 153, 204),
+ HSV16(21, 187, 238),
+ HSV16(23, 238, 255),
+ HSV16(26, 255, 255),
+ HSV16(30, 255, 255),
+ },
+ // "Amber" palette.
+ {
+ HSV16(5, 187, 170),
+ HSV16(15, 221, 170),
+ HSV16(22, 238, 187),
+ HSV16(23, 238, 187),
+ HSV16(25, 255, 204),
+ HSV16(27, 255, 221),
+ HSV16(29, 255, 238),
+ HSV16(29, 255, 255),
+ HSV16(28, 187, 255),
+ HSV16(30, 68, 255),
+ HSV16(32, 34, 255),
+ HSV16(32, 34, 255),
+ HSV16(26, 119, 255),
+ HSV16(24, 238, 255),
+ HSV16(21, 221, 255),
+ HSV16(16, 204, 255),
+ },
+ // "Bad Wolf" palette. Inspired by the Bad Wolf theme by Steve Losh, which
+ // is
+ // distributed under MIT/X11 license.
+ // https://github.com/sjl/badwolf/tree/61d75affa51d40213d671edc9c8ff83992d7fd6f
+ {
+ HSV16(14, 34, 0),
+ HSV16(245, 255, 255),
+ HSV16(245, 255, 255),
+ HSV16(245, 255, 255),
+ HSV16(14, 34, 0),
+ HSV16(14, 34, 0),
+ HSV16(14, 34, 0),
+ HSV16(14, 34, 0),
+ HSV16(14, 34, 0),
+ HSV16(14, 34, 0),
+ HSV16(24, 17, 136),
+ HSV16(28, 0, 255),
+ HSV16(24, 17, 136),
+ HSV16(14, 34, 0),
+ HSV16(14, 34, 0),
+ HSV16(14, 34, 0),
+ },
+ // "Carnival" palette.
+ {
+ HSV16(132, 255, 85),
+ HSV16(121, 187, 85),
+ HSV16(108, 170, 102),
+ HSV16(90, 153, 119),
+ HSV16(70, 187, 136),
+ HSV16(57, 255, 153),
+ HSV16(50, 255, 187),
+ HSV16(44, 255, 204),
+ HSV16(39, 255, 238),
+ HSV16(32, 255, 255),
+ HSV16(27, 255, 255),
+ HSV16(22, 255, 255),
+ HSV16(18, 255, 255),
+ HSV16(8, 221, 238),
+ HSV16(252, 204, 238),
+ HSV16(241, 255, 221),
+ },
+ // "Classic" palette.
+ {
+ HSV16(150, 255, 85),
+ HSV16(151, 238, 119),
+ HSV16(160, 136, 119),
+ HSV16(176, 102, 136),
+ HSV16(193, 85, 136),
+ HSV16(216, 85, 136),
+ HSV16(234, 102, 153),
+ HSV16(247, 119, 187),
+ HSV16(3, 153, 204),
+ HSV16(10, 204, 221),
+ HSV16(15, 255, 255),
+ HSV16(18, 255, 255),
+ HSV16(23, 255, 255),
+ HSV16(24, 204, 255),
+ HSV16(25, 136, 255),
+ HSV16(26, 85, 255),
+ },
+ // "Dracula" palette. Inspired by the Dracula theme by Zeno Rocha, which is
+ // distributed under MIT license.
+ // https://github.com/dracula/dracula-theme/tree/ac4dc82dab2a3c35e5cac0cd80c97fbf4c2ca986
+ {
+ HSV16(165, 153, 119),
+ HSV16(167, 153, 136),
+ HSV16(170, 170, 187),
+ HSV16(173, 170, 221),
+ HSV16(177, 170, 238),
+ HSV16(183, 170, 255),
+ HSV16(190, 170, 255),
+ HSV16(200, 153, 255),
+ HSV16(216, 153, 255),
+ HSV16(230, 170, 255),
+ HSV16(2, 153, 255),
+ HSV16(29, 153, 238),
+ HSV16(44, 255, 255),
+ HSV16(53, 238, 255),
+ HSV16(63, 238, 238),
+ HSV16(85, 238, 238),
+ },
+ // "Groovy" palette. Inspired by the Gruvbox theme by Pavel Pertsev, which
+ // is
+ // distributed under MIT/X11 license.
+ // https://github.com/morhetz/gruvbox/tree/f1ecde848f0cdba877acb0c740320568252cc482
+ {
+ HSV16(26, 136, 187),
+ HSV16(23, 85, 102),
+ HSV16(21, 85, 85),
+ HSV16(21, 85, 85),
+ HSV16(21, 85, 85),
+ HSV16(17, 102, 102),
+ HSV16(5, 204, 255),
+ HSV16(4, 255, 255),
+ HSV16(4, 255, 255),
+ HSV16(7, 204, 255),
+ HSV16(23, 136, 187),
+ HSV16(26, 136, 187),
+ HSV16(28, 136, 187),
+ HSV16(50, 238, 238),
+ HSV16(54, 255, 238),
+ HSV16(54, 255, 238),
+ },
+ // "Not Pink" palette.
+ {
+ HSV16(9, 255, 153),
+ HSV16(3, 221, 187),
+ HSV16(252, 204, 187),
+ HSV16(248, 204, 187),
+ HSV16(247, 187, 204),
+ HSV16(245, 187, 238),
+ HSV16(244, 170, 255),
+ HSV16(245, 153, 255),
+ HSV16(252, 102, 255),
+ HSV16(16, 68, 255),
+ HSV16(40, 34, 255),
+ HSV16(32, 51, 255),
+ HSV16(6, 85, 255),
+ HSV16(248, 136, 255),
+ HSV16(247, 187, 255),
+ HSV16(249, 221, 255),
+ },
+ // "Phosphor" palette.
+ {
+ HSV16(116, 102, 34),
+ HSV16(113, 170, 51),
+ HSV16(113, 255, 68),
+ HSV16(110, 255, 68),
+ HSV16(109, 255, 85),
+ HSV16(105, 255, 102),
+ HSV16(95, 238, 102),
+ HSV16(85, 238, 119),
+ HSV16(84, 255, 136),
+ HSV16(84, 255, 153),
+ HSV16(83, 255, 187),
+ HSV16(80, 238, 204),
+ HSV16(69, 221, 238),
+ HSV16(46, 204, 255),
+ HSV16(42, 153, 255),
+ HSV16(40, 102, 255),
+ },
+ // "Polarized" palette. Inspired by the Solarized theme by Ethan Schoonover,
+ // which is distributed under MIT license.
+ // https://github.com/altercation/solarized/tree/62f656a02f93c5190a8753159e34b385588d5ff3
+ {
+ HSV16(139, 255, 68),
+ HSV16(139, 221, 85),
+ HSV16(139, 204, 102),
+ HSV16(138, 204, 119),
+ HSV16(137, 204, 136),
+ HSV16(137, 187, 170),
+ HSV16(137, 153, 187),
+ HSV16(132, 170, 187),
+ HSV16(126, 187, 238),
+ HSV16(124, 102, 255),
+ HSV16(124, 102, 255),
+ HSV16(124, 187, 255),
+ HSV16(130, 170, 204),
+ HSV16(137, 153, 187),
+ HSV16(137, 153, 204),
+ HSV16(137, 136, 221),
+ },
+ // "Rose Gold" palette.
+ {
+ HSV16(246, 255, 204),
+ HSV16(250, 238, 221),
+ HSV16(253, 221, 238),
+ HSV16(1, 221, 255),
+ HSV16(6, 221, 255),
+ HSV16(12, 221, 255),
+ HSV16(18, 204, 255),
+ HSV16(22, 170, 255),
+ HSV16(20, 204, 255),
+ HSV16(17, 221, 255),
+ HSV16(12, 221, 255),
+ HSV16(7, 221, 255),
+ HSV16(255, 204, 255),
+ HSV16(248, 204, 255),
+ HSV16(241, 238, 255),
+ HSV16(235, 255, 255),
+ },
+ // "Sport" palette.
+ {
+ HSV16(156, 102, 51),
+ HSV16(155, 102, 68),
+ HSV16(155, 102, 68),
+ HSV16(154, 102, 68),
+ HSV16(155, 102, 85),
+ HSV16(156, 85, 102),
+ HSV16(158, 68, 119),
+ HSV16(159, 51, 136),
+ HSV16(158, 17, 153),
+ HSV16(130, 0, 170),
+ HSV16(49, 17, 204),
+ HSV16(42, 51, 238),
+ HSV16(39, 85, 255),
+ HSV16(37, 119, 255),
+ HSV16(36, 170, 255),
+ HSV16(36, 255, 255),
+ },
+ // "Synthwave" palette.
+ {
+ HSV16(170, 221, 119),
+ HSV16(180, 221, 153),
+ HSV16(196, 238, 153),
+ HSV16(209, 255, 153),
+ HSV16(220, 255, 170),
+ HSV16(227, 255, 204),
+ HSV16(233, 255, 238),
+ HSV16(245, 204, 255),
+ HSV16(3, 170, 255),
+ HSV16(13, 187, 255),
+ HSV16(21, 204, 255),
+ HSV16(28, 221, 255),
+ HSV16(43, 255, 255),
+ HSV16(42, 255, 255),
+ HSV16(68, 68, 255),
+ HSV16(132, 255, 255),
+ },
+ // "Thermal" palette.
+ {
+ HSV16(7, 0, 17),
+ HSV16(8, 0, 17),
+ HSV16(12, 0, 34),
+ HSV16(13, 0, 51),
+ HSV16(15, 17, 51),
+ HSV16(16, 17, 68),
+ HSV16(20, 34, 85),
+ HSV16(95, 0, 102),
+ HSV16(126, 85, 119),
+ HSV16(112, 85, 153),
+ HSV16(54, 136, 187),
+ HSV16(39, 238, 221),
+ HSV16(33, 255, 255),
+ HSV16(25, 238, 255),
+ HSV16(13, 238, 255),
+ HSV16(5, 238, 255),
+ },
+ // "Viridis" palette. Inspired by the Viridis colormap by Stefan van der
+ // Walt
+ // and Nathaniel Smith, which is distributed under CC0 license.
+ // https://github.com/BIDS/colormap/blob/bc549477db0c12b54a5928087552ad2cf274980f/colormaps.py
+ {
+ HSV16(204, 221, 102),
+ HSV16(194, 187, 119),
+ HSV16(183, 153, 136),
+ HSV16(169, 119, 153),
+ HSV16(155, 153, 153),
+ HSV16(145, 170, 153),
+ HSV16(137, 187, 153),
+ HSV16(130, 204, 153),
+ HSV16(123, 221, 153),
+ HSV16(117, 221, 170),
+ HSV16(108, 187, 187),
+ HSV16(93, 153, 204),
+ HSV16(71, 170, 221),
+ HSV16(56, 221, 221),
+ HSV16(46, 255, 238),
+ HSV16(39, 255, 255),
+ },
+ // "Watermelon" palette.
+ {
+ HSV16(67, 255, 102),
+ HSV16(55, 255, 153),
+ HSV16(47, 255, 204),
+ HSV16(48, 136, 238),
+ HSV16(48, 68, 255),
+ HSV16(45, 34, 255),
+ HSV16(39, 34, 255),
+ HSV16(17, 85, 255),
+ HSV16(8, 187, 255),
+ HSV16(1, 255, 255),
+ HSV16(2, 238, 255),
+ HSV16(2, 238, 255),
+ HSV16(0, 238, 255),
+ HSV16(253, 255, 238),
+ HSV16(254, 255, 238),
+ HSV16(255, 255, 221),
+ },
+#if __has_include("palettefx_user.inc") // Include user palettes if present.
+#include "palettefx_user.inc"
+/** Number of palettes. User palettes, if any, are included in the count. */
+ (sizeof(palettefx_palettes) / sizeof(*palettefx_palettes))
+// Validate at compile time that `1 <= NUM_PALETTEFX_PALETTES <= 32`. The upper
+// limit is due to using RGB Matrix's hue config to select palettes.
+ "palettefx: No palettes are enabled. To fix: enable all built-in palettes "
+ "by adding in config.h `#define PALETTE_ENABLE_ALL_PALETTES`, or enable at "
+ "least one with `#define PALETTE_<name>_ENABLE`, or define at least one "
+ "custom palette in palettefx_user.inc.");
+ "palettefx: Too many palettes. Up to 32 (= 256 / RGB_MATRIX_HUE_STEP) "
+ "palettes are supported. Otherwise, some palettes would be unreachable.");
+/** Gets the index of the selected palette. */
+static uint8_t palettefx_get_palette(void) {
+ uint8_t i =
+ (rgb_matrix_get_hue() / RGB_MATRIX_HUE_STEP) % NUM_PALETTEFX_PALETTES;
+ // Hue wraps mod 256. If NUM_PALETTEFX_PALETTES is not a power of 2, modulo
+ // 256 wraps would jump, and adjustment is needed to cycle as desired:
+ //
+ // * If the hue is a step or less from 256, assume it has wrapped down
+ // from 0 and the last palette is selected.
+ // * Otherwise, i = ((hue / step) % NUM_PALETTEFX_PALETTES) is used. If
+ // 256 - 2 * step <= hue < 256 - step, hue is set to (step * i).
+ hsv_t hsv = rgb_matrix_get_hsv();
+ if (hsv.h >= 256 - 2 * RGB_MATRIX_HUE_STEP) {
+ if (hsv.h >= 256 - RGB_MATRIX_HUE_STEP) {
+ 1);
+ } else {
+ hsv.h = RGB_MATRIX_HUE_STEP * i;
+ }
+ rgb_matrix_sethsv_noeeprom(hsv.h, hsv.s, hsv.v);
+ }
+ }
+ return i;
+static const uint16_t *palettefx_get_palette_data(void) {
+ return palettefx_palettes[palettefx_get_palette()];
+static hsv_t palettefx_interp_color(const uint16_t *palette, uint8_t x) {
+ // Clamp `x` to [8, 247] and subtract 8, mapping to the range [0, 239].
+ x = (x <= 8) ? 0 : ((x < 247) ? (x - 8) : 239);
+ // Get index into the palette, 0 <= i <= 14.
+ const uint8_t i = x >> 4;
+ // Fractional position between i and (i + 1).
+ const uint8_t frac = x << 4;
+ // Look up palette colors at i and (i + 1).
+ hsv_t a = unpack_hsv16(pgm_read_word(&palette[i]));
+ hsv_t b = unpack_hsv16(pgm_read_word(&palette[i + 1]));
+ // Linearly interpolate in HSV, accounting for wrapping in hue.
+ const uint8_t hue_wrap = 128 & (a.h >= b.h ? (a.h - b.h) : (b.h - a.h));
+ return (hsv_t){
+ .h = lerp8by8(a.h ^ hue_wrap, b.h ^ hue_wrap, frac) ^ hue_wrap,
+ .s = scale8(lerp8by8(a.s, b.s, frac), rgb_matrix_config.hsv.s),
+ .v = scale8(lerp8by8(a.v, b.v, frac), rgb_matrix_config.hsv.v),
+ };
+static uint16_t palettefx_scaled_time(uint32_t timer, uint8_t scale) {
+ static uint16_t wrap_correction = 0;
+ static uint8_t last_high_byte = 0;
+ const uint8_t high_byte = (uint8_t)(timer >> 16);
+ if (last_high_byte != high_byte) {
+ last_high_byte = high_byte;
+ wrap_correction += ((uint16_t)scale) << 8;
+ }
+ return scale16by8(timer, scale) + wrap_correction;
diff --git a/jack/rules.mk b/jack/rules.mk
index c6f1b2b..26f8f6b 100644
--- a/jack/rules.mk
+++ b/jack/rules.mk
@@ -25,6 +25,10 @@ ifeq ($(strip $(OLED_ENABLE)), yes)
+ifeq ($(strip $(RGB_MATRIX_ENABLE)), yes)
ifeq ($(strip $(UNICODE_COMMON)), yes)
SRC += unicode.c